kiến thức airdrop_nhận token 0.138 YFIs


Junior Member
Kèo cho các bác rảnh kiếm coin lẻ (airdrop nào mình chưa gạch ngang text tức là vẫn còn nhé)
1a. Airdrop : Yearns Finance Airdrop
Reward : 0.138 YFIs ($5)
Per referral = 0,0138 ($ 0.5)
YFIs = $ 36

🌟1 Vevo = 0.1 USD
🔸For Completing the tasks - Get 340 Vevo
👫For Each Valid Refer - Get 30 Vevo
  • Telegram Bot : link nhiệm vụ vevo!
  • Join Telegram
  • Follow Twitter
  • Follow Facebook
  • Follow Medium
  • Register Bololex Exchange and vote for vevo
  • Submit TRX Wallet
🔹1 GIO = 60 USD
🔸For Joining - Get 0.1 GIO
⭐ For each referral - Get 0.025 GIO

2c. BITCOIN Fashion
Phần thưởng 20 BTCF (~$12) + 2 BTCF
Đăng ký
  • Đăng nhập & bấm tab airdrop
  • Tham gia Telegram
  • Theo dõi & Tweet lại trên Twitter
3a. New Airdrop: TRONUSDT

Reward: 500 TUSDT ($15)
Referral: 100 TUSDT ($3)

Airdrop Link: Airdrop Bot

🔹Join Telegram Group and Channel
🔹Follow Twitter , like and Retweet Pinned Post
🔹Subscribe Youtube Channel
🔹Join Advertiser channel
🔹Follow Advertiser twitter , Like and Retweet Airdrop Post

Note: Airdrop will end on 2th October. Tokens will be distributed to the participants wallet within 10 days after the airdrop ends.

3b.New Airdrop: YFIO Protocol
Reward: 30 YFIO ($9)
Referral: 5 YFIO

Airdrop Link: Airdrop Bot

🔹join Telegram Group and Channel
🔹Follow Twitter and Like and Retweet this post
🔹Follow on Medium
🔹Submit ETH Wallet

Note: Airdrop will end when it reaches 150,000 YFIO. YFIO Airdrop Unlocked and distributed after 1 month listing

3c. New Airdrop: YFBull
Reward: 10 YFB ($6)
Referral: 2 YFB ($1.2)

Airdrop Link: Airdrop Bot

🔹Join YFBull Telegram Group
🔹Join YFBull Telegram Channel
🔹Follow YFBull Twitterand Retweet pinned post
🔹Join Advertiser channel
🔹Follow Advertiser twitter, Like and Retweet Airdrop Post
🔹Submit ETH Wallet
Note: Airdrop will end 1st October. Then distribution will start.

3d. Airdrop: Anonutopia / Anote
💰 Value: 15$
👥 Referral: 5$
Airdrop Link: Airdrop Bot
📖 Step-by-step guide:
( nhấp vào link airdropbot link trên, bảng chat telegram hiện lên gõ "/mine"(mũi tên đỏ trong ảnh)--> tích vào"@anonshout" xong chuyển qua bảng chat @anonshout lấy mining code quay lại điền vào bảng chat anonsrobot--> xem mũi tên xanh kích vào qua đây lập ví để lấy address xong --> mũi tên tím gõ"/resister" điền address vừa lập trên ví>done. mỗi ngày qua lại lấy code ở anonshout và lặp lại các bước để tiếp tục đào coin :D )
1. Join @Anonutopia Telegram Group
2. Talk to Anons Telegram bot
3. Start mining with /mine command and code you can find in @AnonShout channel

📃 Information
Anote is a cool new crypto currency that you can mine, send, receive, exchange, sell and spend right from the start. Educate yourself on cryptocurrencies and have fun while doing so. Join us early and get a headstart in creating new value!
3e. New airdrop: XyearnFinance (XYFI)
Reward: 0.25 XYFI ($6)
Rate: ⭐ ⭐⭐
Remarks: Will be listed on Uniswap
Focus: Distributed around October

Airdrop Link: airdrop page

🔹 Join Xyearn on Telegram channel.
🔹 Follow Twitter and Retweet the post .
🔹 Submit your eth address and details.
🔹 Get 0.12 XYFI tokens for each referral.
🔹 You can get up to 3 XYFI tokens.

Note: The airdrop tokens will be distributed to your wallet address after the ICO, approximately in October And remember that all airdrops should be free.
4a New Giveaway: Crypto Kingdom

Total Giveaway: $500 ETH
Remarks: Top 10 Most Referrals will receive $50 worth of ETH each

Giveaway Link: Giveaway Bot
📖 Step-by-step guide:
🔹Join Crypto Kingdom Telegram Channel
🔹Follow their Instagram
🔹Join Advertiser Telegram Channel
Note: Giveaway will end on 30th September then distribution will start.
4b. Airdrop : YYFI Protocol
Reward : $25(0.05 YYFI)
Per referral = $2.5(0.005 YYFI)
YYFI = 0.05+0.005
(1 YYFI = 500$)
links nhiệm vụ !
Join Telegram
Follow Twitter
Submit ETH Wallet
4c. InvestToken
🎁 Phần thưởng 50 INV( = 50 $) + 10 INV
🌐 BOT TELEGRAM: Telegram Bot
Tham gia Telegram
Theo dõi & Tweet lại trên Twitter
4d. Airdrop: Tronado
Phần thưởng: 50 trx
Giới thiệu: 5 trx
TRX đã liệt kê top 20 trên coinmarketcap
✅ Bot Airdrop: Telegram Bot
🔹 Tham gia Tronado Telegram
🔹 Đăng ký kênh YouTube
🎁 Phần thưởng 30 BEEP (= 6 $ ) + 5 BEEP
🌐 BOT TELEGRAM 👉 Telegram Bot
Tham gia Telegram
Theo dõi & Tweet lại trên Twitter
🎁 Phần thưởng 100 PX (= 10 $ ) + 20 PX
Đã được liệt kê trên Uniswap Exchange
🌐 BOT TELEGRAM 👉 Telegram bot
Tham gia Telegram
Theo dõi & Tweet lại
4g. Airdrop: TON Community ⭐
Phần thưởng: $ 15 TON (Được liệt kê trên Bithumb Exchange)
Tham gia Telegram: Telegram BOT
🎁 Phần thưởng 1000 AUXL = 10 $ 👥 + 100 AUXL
🌐 BOT TELEGRAM 👉 Telegram bot
Theo dõi từng bước
End event: 31st October 2020
AUXL token will be launched on the Auxilium blockchain soon.
AUXL token will power the future Auxilium Loyalty Platform together with the AUX coin.
5. 19/09/2020

🎁 Reward 100 SWAP= 10 $ 👥+ 10 SWAP
🌐 TELEGRAM BOT 👉 link bot
Join Telegram
Follow Twitter
✔ Distribution will be end 31st oct 2020.
🎁 Reward 1 YEA (= 4 $ )+ 0.5 YEA
Listed on Vindax Exchange
Join Telegram
Follow & Retweet on Twitter
✔ Distributed to your wallet on 7th October
🎁 Reward 0.5 YFIP = 5 $ 👥+ 0.1 YFIP
🌐 Fill Form 👉 LINK !
✅ Referal E-mail will receive 0.1 YFIP 👉 [email protected]
🎁 Phần thưởng 225 CENTUS 👥 + 25 CENTUS
Được liệt kê trên Interstellar Exchange
🌐 Đăng ký 👉 LINK!
Tham gia Telegram
Theo dõi FB
5d.TronLink Pro Airdrop
📈 Get 300 Point
⭕ Download App : CLICK HERE!

🔹 Creat An Account
🔹 Click "ME"
🔹 Click "Friend Invitation"
🔹 Click "Claim Reward"
🔹 Submit Invitation Code: sZHf

🎁 Phần thưởng 50 STAKES + 10 STAKES
Được liệt kê trong JustSwap
Tham gia Telegram
Theo dõi & Tweet lại
✔ Phân phối: 9 tháng 2020
Reward: 5 TRX
Referral: 1 TRX
Airdrop Link: Airdrop Bot
🔹Join SureCrypto Group and SureCrypto Channel
🔹Follow Us on Twitter
🔹Submit your Trc20 wallet address
Note: Airdrop will end on 3rd October. Then distribution will start on 14th October. SureCrypto is available for trade on justswap
💰 Value: $ 15
👥 Referral: $ 5
💸 150 + 50 GBTS
Airdrop Link: BOT HERE!
Task :
1. Talk to the Telegram bot
2. Join Telegram
3. Follow Twitter
4. Retweet This Tweet
🎁 Reward 8 NVZN = 8 $ + 1.5 NVZN
Task :
Telegram, Twitter, FaceBook, Insgragram, YouTube
submit ETH wallet
Yearnify Finance is airdropping 1M $ worth of YFY tokens to all Yield Farming & Defi community. complete simple social tasks and submit your details to the airdrop form to receive your Free share
Link :
Task :
Visit the Yearnify Airdrop page.
Submit your name and email address.
Follow Yearnify on Twitter and retweet this tweet.
Join Yearnify Telegram Group.
Submit your ERC20 wallet address and other details to the Airdrop page
🎁Share your referral link and earn 0.05 YFI ($5) for each referral.
Start chat with YFChain Airdrop bot.
Task :
Pass the Captcha.
Join YFChain Telegram Group.
Follow YFChain on Twitter.
Quote this tweet with your referral link and tag 5 friends. (you will get your referral link after submit your details)
Submit your details to the airdrop bot.
Withdrawal button will come out on Sept 30. Once it appears, you can withdraw your balances.
Reward: 5Trx
Referral: 1Trx (refer is optional)
Airdrop Link: Airdrop Bot
🔹Join SureCrypto Group and SureCrypto Channel
🔹Follow Us on Twitter
🔹Submit your Trc20 wallet address
Note: Airdrop will end on 3rd October. Then distribution will start on 14th October.
SureCrypto is available for trade on justswap (
6h.Compound USDT (cUSDT)
Get 2000 cUSDT = $40
Register here : BOT HERE!
Task :
🔹 Join Telegram
🔹 Follow Twitter
🔹 Join Medium
🔹 Submit ERC20 Address
Distribution Start on 22 September

Phần thưởng 0.0025 P2PL = 25 $
+ 0.001 P2PL
Tham gia Telegram
Theo dõi Twitter
Phân phối ví của bạn vào ngày 31 tháng 10
Reward 0.05 BLFI = 4 $
+ 0.01 BLFI
Join Telegram
Follow Twitter
7.1 CreditToken

Reward: 10 CT
Referral:1 CT
Airdrop Link: Airdrop Bot
🔹Join Telegram Group and Channel
🔹Subscribe Youtube Channel and Like the video
🔹Join Advertiser channel
Note: Limited for 6,000 users only. After reaching 6,000 users airdrop will end. Then distribution will start on 20th October
7.2 Xhumanity (xDNA)
Reward: 2,500 xDNA ($5)
Remarks: Will be list on Probit
Airdrop Link: airdrop BOT
🔹 Join on Telegram group and channel.
🔹 And Follow Xhumanity on Twitter .
🔹 Submit your eth address and details.
🔹 Get 200 xDNA tokens for each referral.
Note: The Xhumanity project will be listed on the Probit exchange in October and the airdrop token will be distributed to your wallet address in January 2021.
7.3 Asset Powder Airdrop [ ASPX ] [ERC-20]
💰 10 ASPX ~ 4.5$ | +1 ASPX / Referral
🚹 Airdrop Link : Asset Powder Airdrop Bot
🔹 Pass Captcha
🔹 Join ASPX Telegram Community
🔹 Join ASPX Telegram Channel
🔹 Additionally, Join Partner Channel
🔹 Submit Details ✅
7.4 Super Running Coin Airdrop [ ERC-20 ]
💰 50 SRC ~ 35$ | +10 SRC / Referral
🚹 Airdrop Link : Super Running Coin Airdrop
🔹 Pass Captcha
🔹 Join SRC Telegram Community
🔹 Join SRC Telegram Channel
🔹 Follow SRC Token Twitter + Retweet
🔹 ( Complete additional Task )
🔹 Submit Details ✅
7.5 Airdrop: SmartWay Global
💰 Value: $ 12500 pool
💸 125 SMART
📖 Step-by-step guide :
1. Talk to the telegram bot
2. Join our telegram group and Channel
3. Follow Our Twitter
4. Enter the website, connect your wallet, click join Airdrop
make sure you already download Tronlink / Tokenpocket and have balance TRX in it
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8.1 Airdrop: SmartWay Global

💰 Value: $ 12500 pool
💸 125 SMART
📖 Step-by-step guide :
1. Talk to the telegram bot
2. Join our telegram group and Channel
3. Follow Our Twitter
4.Makes sure you download
a. Tronlink wallet or Tockenpocket
b. Standby to connect wallet to our official website in
c. Click Join Airdrop
Remember total reward per user is estimated by world connected wallet to website.. there will be calculation online in there 24/9-26/9.
8.2 FomoSwapDefi Airdrop
🎁 Get 5 MVM ($25) +0.1/Reff
🔘 Markrt: Justswap
✨Start bot Here : bot here!
🔹join telegram
🔹follow twitter
🔹enter TRX address
🎁 Reward 50 FLY = 9 $ 👥 + 15 FLY
🌐 TELEGRAM BOT 👉bot here!
Join Telegram
Follow & Retweet on Twitter
✔ Distributed to your wallet on 5th November 2020
8.4 🚀 Airdrop: Winsshi
💰 Value: $ 50
👥 Referral: $ 10
💸 5000 + 1000 WNS
📖 Step-by-step guide :
1. Talk to the telegram bot : bot here!
2. Join Our Telegram Group
3. Follow Our Official Twitter
4. Like, Retweet & Tag 3 Friends at our Pinned Tweet
5. Follow & Like Our Official Facebook Page
6. Follow our Official Page of LinkedIn
7. Follow Our Instagram Page
📃 Information
WINSSHI platform is a product of aspiring and innovative mind both in blockchain and gaming platform. The company's role is to decentralize the gaming industry which will be beneficial to daily gamers. The company's main aim is to develop a robust and technologically advanced solution that will be useful for all users.
8.5 New Airdrop: Yoju Finance
Reward: 0.3 YJF ($9)
Referral: 0.075 YJF ($2.25)
Airdrop Link: Airdrop Form
🔹Join Telegram Groupnand leave positive comments about the project.
🔹Join Telegram Channel
🔹Follow Twitter and Retweet Pinned Post
🔹Follow Facebook
🔹Submit your Details and ETH wallet Address
🔹Submit Referred Username: @longnm3105 to the form
Note: Limited for 5,000 users only. After reaching 5,000 users airdrop will end. Then distribution will start.
Additional Information:
Yoju Finance is a blockchain investment platform that combines the best features of exchange, staking, defi and marketplace.
9.1 🔰 New Airdrop Satellite token project Start today.

🔵Join bouns 15 SAT ~45$
Refer bouns 3 SAT ~9$

🔵Bot link : BOT telegram!

🔷Satellite Token Information :

🔰Token Name : Satellite Token
🔰Token Symbol : SAT
🔰Token Standard : TRC 20
🔰Token Decimal : 8
🔰Total Supply : 100 Billion
Contract :TAKX2UnEvMvUp6SoGXFSN5eoTa3mNw9Juq
🔰Token Tracker:…

🔴First Round airdrop will be End 5 November
And Distribution start will be 7-15 November.

Note: Distribution is free no need any fee. But you need 15 Valid refer for receive your payment in distribution time.
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