[For magicians/magic lovers, at ease with English] Some thoughts on a personality of Vietnamese people


Senior Member
First off, as I'll be keeping this discussion in English (for some definitely good reasons ), those not comfortable reading and writing in English should ignore this thread; plus, the intended people I want to share with are magicians/magic lovers. Those who are not can give comments though, as long as you do it politely and constructively.

Ok let's now dive to the main topic. For clarity, I'm a magic lover; actually I started learning about magic, particularly card tricks, since I was an 11th grader (I like it yet sadly I am not really good at it :D). Ok that's enough about me. Of course, I like watching magic videos, mostly on youtube and sometimes on tiktok, and indeed I do that quite often for recreation in my leisure time. Observing long enough, I've been seeing this phenomenon with Vietnamese people that I'm really really pissed with. You know I feel like they always try to show that they are knowledgeable about EVERYTHING. I'm sure you know what I mean. In very single video I've seen, I swear 98% of Vietnamese people's comments are like "that stuff is easy","I know the trick " (even when they don't), or even "cái này mà đòi lừa tao hả" (I think it's better not translating this one), etc. In short, instead of enjoying the act of the magician, they just focus on trying their best to reveal/expose the trick. I find that they NEVER recogize anyone or anything and ALWAYS try to put others down. Even Shin Lim, one of the most renowned magicians, with excellent sleight of hands who used to win AGT, is nothing in their eyes. I can't never understand those people at all. They never know that it doesn't matter that you know the secrete. What matters is performing it. Many may know the secrete but few can perform. The magician has to spend days and years of practicing to show you what you see.
Funnily, this phenomenon is just seen with Vietnamese people. I rarely see foreign people behave badly as Vietnamese people do.

That's pretty much it.
Tks guys !!
Ảo thuật ở VN thì bị coi như là trò bịp bợm, tạp kỹ đường phố rẻ tiền thôi thế nên không được coi trọng là chuyện bình thường. Ảo thuật pha hài nhảm may ra có người coi còn dăm ba cái sleight of hands thì chả ai biết là cái gì đâu nên làm sao họ hiểu được cái hay của nó. Cộng đồng ảo thuật VN thì bé tí đã thế lại còn hay giữ mánh chả có hoạt động hay chia sẻ gì nên khó mà phát triển được.
Mysteriousness makes people feel interested, but trying to reveal the secret is the basic instinct that people find it more fascinated.

Audiences (except children) all have known that magic shows has tricks to make things seem unbelievable, and nothing can't make them attempt to predict what happened in front of their eyes. Even their predictions were right or wrong, they can feel comfortable and gain their confidences since they thought they had some "controls" and couldn't be fooled. It's all about psychology:D

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