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thảo luận TFT - ĐTCL mùa 6: Gizmos and Gadgets

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Fire Of Heart

Một số thông tin:
  • Thời gian ra mắt trên máy chủ PBE: 20/10
  • Thời gian ra mắt chính thức: Patch 11.22 ngày 2 tháng 11

Một số thông tin về tộc hệ...
Sau đây là những thông tin chi tiết về hiệu ứng của các Tộc Hệ và các Tướng tương ứng:

Học Viện (2/4/6/8)

  • Tướng: Graves (1), Garen (1), Katarina (2), Leona (3), Lux (4), Yone(4), Yuumi (5)
  • Tất cả tướng Học Viện được tăng SMCK và STPT. Mỗi lần tướng Học Viện kỹ năng, các tướng cùng tộc sẽ được tăng thêm SMCK, SMPT.

Hóa Kỹ (3/5/7/9)

  • Tướng: Singed (1), Twitch (1), Lissandra (3), Warwick (2), Zac (3), Urgot (4), Viktor (5)
  • Khi dưới 60% Máu, tướng Hóa Kỹ giảm 25% sát thương nhận vào, 50% tốc đánh và hồi phục 4% Máu Tối Đa trong thời gian nhất định.
Máy Móc (2/4)

  • Tướng: Camille (1), Zilean (2), Orianna (4), Jhin (4)
  • Tất cả đồng minh tăng Tốc Độ Đánh, tăng thêm Tốc Đánh dựa theo số Nâng Cấp Hextech
Cảnh Binh (2/4)

  • Tướng: Caitlyn (1), Vi (2), Fiora (4), Jayce (5)
  • Mỗi khi bắt đầu trận, giam giữ 1 hoặc 2 đối thủ trong vòng 4 giây

Đế Chế (3/5)

  • Tướng: Swain (1), Talon (2), Samira (3), Sion (4)
  • Mỗi đầu trận, tướng Đế Chế gây Sát Thương nhiều nhất vòng trước được chọn làm Hoàng Đế. Tướng này gây thêm Sát Thương, khi Hoàng Đế bị tiêu diệt thì bùa lợi sẽ nhảy sang các tướng Đế Chế còn lại
Lính Đánh Thuê (3/5):

  • Tướng: Illoai (1), Quinn(2), GP (3), MF (3), Tahm Kench (5)
  • Mỗi khi thắng trận sẽ được một hộp quà . Khi sang vòng chờ tiếp theo, ném xúc xắc để quyết định chất lượng quà. Nếu thua sẽ tích thêm quà cho lần xúc xắc kế tiếp, quả sẽ tăng chất lượng dựa trên chuỗi thua.

Phế Liệu (2/4/6)

  • Tướng: Ezreal (1), Blizcrank (2), Trundle (2), Ziggs (1), Ekko (3), Janna (4), Jinx (5)
  • Tướng Phế Liệu nhận thêm 70 Giáp Ảo mỗi trang bị hoàn chỉnh mà tướng đồng minh sở hữu. Đầu trận, tướng Phế Liệu sẽ biến mảnh trang bị của mình thành trang bị hoàn chỉnh
Song sinh (2)

  • Tướng: Vi (2), Jinx (5)
  • Vi tăng phạm vị kỹ năng 2 ô. Khi Jinx tham gia hạ gục, tăng 50% Tốc Độ Đánh trong 3 giây
Băng Đảng (3/5/7)

  • Tướng: Darius (1), TF (1), Shaco (3), Zyra (2), Braum (4), Akali (5)
  • Tăng 20% Hút máu toàn phần , 50 Giáp và 50 Kháng Phép cho các tướng Băng Đảng.

Biến Hình (1)

  • Tướng: Jayce (5)
  • Sử dụng vũ khí phù hợp dựa trên vị trí được sắp xếp
Yordle (3/6)

  • Tướng: Poppy (1), Ziggs (1), Lulu (2), Tristana (2), Heimer (3), Vex (3), Veigar (5)
  • Sau khi kết thúc vòng đấu, 1 tướng Yordle ngẫu nhiên xuất hiện trên hàng chờ
Yuumi (1)

  • Tướng: Yuumi (5)
  • Yuumi bám vào đồng đội gần nhất, sau 2 giây chuyển sang đồng đội thấp máu nhất, tạo khiên bằng 75% Máu Tối Đa đồng thời tăng SMCK, SMPT cho tướng được bám vào
Người Nổi Tiếng (1/2/3)

  • Tướng: Taric (3), Seraphine (4), Galio (5)
  • Người Nổi Tiếng tạo ra một ô sáng, đồng đội đứng vào hưởng bùa lợi được tăng thêm Sát Thương gây ra
Phàm Ăn (1)

  • Tướng: Tahm Kench
  • Mỗi khi bắt đầu hàng chờ, người chơi có thể hiến tế tướng bất kì để Tahm Kench tăng vĩnh viễn 5% Máu, Giáp và Kháng Phép của tướng được hiến tế
Đột Biến (3/5)

  • Tướng: Kassadin (1), Kog Maw (2), Cho Gath (3), Malzahar (3), Mundo (4), Kai’sa (5)
  • Mỗi khi đồng đội bị hạ gục, tướng Đột Biến tăng thêm SMCK/SMPT
Phá Ma Pháp (2/3/4/5)

  • Tướng: Kassadin (1), Garen (1), Bliz (2), Morgana (3), Sion (4)
  • Khi tướng Phá Ma Pháp sử dụng kỹ năng, tạo khiên theo phần trăm Máu Tối Đa trong 4 giây.
Pháp Sư (2/4/6)

  • Tướng: Lissandra (Không rõ), Swain (1), TF (1), Ziggs (1), Malzahar (3), Vex (3), Lux (4), Viktor (5)
  • Tăng SMPT cho tất cả đồng minh
Sát Thủ (2/4/6)

  • Tướng: Twitch (1), Có lẽ là Evelyn , Katarina (2), Shaco (3), Talon (2), Ekko (3), Akali (5)
  • Nhảy ra sau đối thủ khi bắt đầu trận, nhận thêm tỉ lệ gây chí mạng từ kỹ năng.
Thách Đấu (2/4/6)

  • Tướng: Camile (1), Trundle (2), Quinn (2), Warwick (2), Samira (3), Morde (?), Fiora (4), Yone (4), Kaisa (5)
  • Thách Đấu tăng Tốc Độ đánh. Khi kết liễu đối thủ, lướt ngay tới mục tiêu khác và gấp đôi tốc đánh cộng thêm trong 2,5 giây
Mê Hồn (2/3/4/5)

  • Tướng: Viktor (5), Lulu (2), Orianna (4), Taric (3), Janna (4), Seraphine (4)
  • Tướng Mê Hồn tăng khả năng hồi phục, tạo khiên cho bản thân và tăng Kháng Phép cho tất cả đồng minh
Học Giả (2/4/6)

  • Tướng: Lissandra (3), Heimer (3), Zyra (2), Ryze (3), Janna (4), Yuumi (5)
  • Đòn đánh thường của Học Giả gây Sát Thương Phép đồng thời được tăng thêm mỗi 2 giây
Thiện Xạ (2/4/6)

  • Tướng: Caitlyn (1), Kog (2), MF (3), Jhin (4), Tristana (2)
  • Xạ Thủ gây thêm Sát Thương dựa trên khoảng cách tới kẻ địch
Nhà Sáng Chế (2/4/6)

  • Tướng: Ezreal (1), Singed (1), Zilean (2), Heimer (3), Jayce (5)
  • Triệu hồi một Robot chiến đấu để ra trận cùng với mình
Quái Thú: (2/4/6)

  • Tướng: Warwick, Illoai (1), Trundle (2), Vi (2), Cho Gath (3), Zac (3), Mundo (4), Tahm Kench (5)
  • Tăng Máu cho tất cả tướng đồng minh, Quái Thú nhận gấp đôi.
Anh Hùng (2/4/6/8)

  • Tướng: Darius (1), Poppy (1), Blizcrank (2), Patheon (2), Leona (3), Braum (4), Galio (5)
  • Tướng Anh Hùng nhận thêm Giáp, đồng thời khiêu khích kẻ địch đầu trận
Khổng Lồ (1)

  • Tướng: Cho Gath (3), Sion (4), Galio (5)
  • Tướng Khổng Lồ chiếm 2 vị trí trong đội hình, đồng thời miễn nhiễm khống chế, giảm Sát Thương nhận vào.


Thông tin về tướng

Confirmed TFT Set 6 Champion Abilities​

  • Akali
    • Cost: 5
    • Traits: Syndicate and Assassin
    • Ability: Perfect Execution
      • Akali dashes through the most enemies in a line, dealing 225/350/2000 magic damage and marking them for 7 seconds. When a marked target drops below 15/25/90% Health, Akali dashes again, dealing 225/350/2000 magic damage to enemies she passes through, and executes the marked target.
  • Blitzcrank
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Scrap, Protector and Bodyguard
    • Ability: Rocket Grab
      • Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing 200/350/999 magic damage and stunning them for 2.5 seconds. His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second. Allies within range prefer attacking Blitzcrank’s target.
  • Braum
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Syndicate and Bodyguard
    • Ability: Vault Breaker
      • Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned for 2.5/3.5/7 seconds and take 100/125/1000 magic damage
  • Caitlyn
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Enforcer and Sniper
    • Ability: Ace in the Hole
      • Caitlyn takes aim at the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals 800/1200/2000 magic damage to the first enemy it hits
  • Camille
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Clockwork and Challenger
    • Ability: Defensive Sweep
      • Camille gains a shield blocking 300/400/600 damage over 4 seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing 150/200/300 magic damage to enemies in a cone. While this shield holds, Camille’s attacks restore 30 Health.
  • Cho’Gath
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Mutant, Colossus and Bruiser
    • Ability: Feast
      • Cho’Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range, dealing 500/750/1500 magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho’Gath gains a stack of Feast, up to 6/12/999. Each stack of Feast grants 2% bonus Health and size permanently.
  • Darius
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Syndicate and Bodyguard
    • Ability: Decimate
      • Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing 100/150/200 magic damage, then heals himself for 50/75/100 health for each enemy hit.
  • Dr. Mundo
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Chemtech, Mutant and Bruiser
    • Ability: Zap Dose
      • Dr. Mundo injects himself with “medicine”, restoring 20% of his maximum Health and becoming energized for 6 seconds. While energized, he restores an additional 65/75/200%% of his maximum Health over the duration and deals 30/50/100 magic damage to a random nearby enemy. When the “medicine” expires, Dr. Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals 20/25/30% of his current Health as magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes.
  • Ekko
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Scrap and Assassin
    • Ability: Paralell Convergence
      • Ekko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals 200/325/450 magic damage to enemies within and applies 35/35/50% reduced movement speed for 4 seconds. Allies inside gain 30/50/70% Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
  • Ezreal
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Scrap and Innovator
    • Ability: Mystic Shot
      • Ezreal fires a missile at his target, dealing 125/200/350 magic damage. If the missile hits, he grants himself 30% bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to 150% at 5 stacks
  • Fiora
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Enforcer and Challenger
    • Ability: Blade Waltz
      • Fiora becomes untargetable and strikes 4 times at her target’s vitals. Each strike deals 200% of her Attack Damage as physical damage, 75/125/400 bonus true damage, and heals her for 15% of the total damage dealt. If the target dies, Fiora will change targets to the nearest enemy.
  • Galio
    • Cost: 5
    • Traits: Socialite, Colossus and Bodyguard
    • Ability: Colossal Entrance
      • Galio becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take 200/300/2000 magic damage and are knocked into the sky. The lower the enemy’s maximum Health is compared to Galio’s, the further they are knocked up.
      • Passive: Galio’s critical strikes slam the ground, dealing 100/150/500 bonus magic damage to enemies around his target.
  • Gangplank
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Mercenary and Twinshot
    • Ability: Parley
      • Gangplank shoots his target, dealing 225/250/300% percent of his Attack Damage. If this kills a champion, Gangplank plunders 1 gold.
  • Garen
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Academy and Protector
    • Ability: Decisive Strike
      • Garen shrugs off all crowd control effects, empowering his next strike to deal 225%% of his Attack Damage, plus an additional 20/25/30% of his missing Health in bonus physical damage. This Ability can be cast while stunned.
  • Graves
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Academy and Twinshot
    • Ability: Smoke Grenade
      • Graves launches a smoke grenade toward the enemy with the highest Attack Speed. The grenade explodes on impact, dealing 150/250/400 magic damage to nearby enemies, who are unable to attack for 2/2.5/3 seconds while they remain within the smoke cloud.
  • Heimerdinger
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Yordle, Scholar and Innovator
    • Ability: Rocket Swarm
      • Heimerdinger fires 3 waves of 5 rockets that converge on his target. Each rocket deals 30/45/75 magic damage, reduced by 30% for each target they hit. Every 3rd cast, Heimerdinger summons 3 waves instead.
  • Illaoi
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Mercenary and Bruiser
    • Ability: Harsh Lesson
      • Illaoi slams her target, linking her soul to it for 5 seconds and dealing 175/300/500 magic damage. While linked, Illaoi is healed for 30/35/40% of the damage taken by her target.
  • Janna
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Scrap, Enchanter and Scholar
    • Ability: Monsoon
      • Janna summons a Monsoon, knocking back nearby enemies and stunning them for 1/1/4 second(s). The Monsoon heals your team for 400/550/2000 Health over 3 seconds.
  • Jayce
    • Cost: 5
    • Traits: Enforcer, Transformer and Innovator
    • Ability: Mercury Cannon/Mercurt Hammer
      • Melee form: Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their Armor and Magic Resist.
      • Ranged form: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate, granting bonus Attack Speed to allies in the same row, then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group.
  • Jhin
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Clockwork and Sniper
    • Ability: Curtain Call
      • Jhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals 175/250/444% of his Attack Damage as physical damage, reduced by 33%% for each target it pierces through. The 4th shot is guaranteed to critically strike, and deals 44% more damage based on his target’s missing Health.
      • Passive: Jhin always attacks .9/.9/1.4 times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into .8 Attack Damage.
  • Jinx
    • Cost: 5
    • Traits: Sister, Scrap and Twinshot
    • Ability: Super Mega Death Rocket
      • Jinx rides her rocket high into the sky. After a moderate delay, she comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing 400/600/3000 magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and 50% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for 5 seconds, dealing 2/2.5/3% of the target’s maximum Health as true damage, and reducing healing for the duration. She then swaps to her rocket launcher, causing her attacks to deal a 100% bonus Attack Damage in a small area around her target.
  • Kai’Sa
    • Cost: 5
    • Traits: Mutant and Challenger
    • Ability: Icathian Monsoon
      • Kai’sa dashes to the hex furthest from all enemies. She then fires a volley of 14/18/40 missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal 50/75/150 magic damage each. Kai’Sa fires a bonus missile for each time she has attacked this combat.
  • Kassadin
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Mutant and Protector
    • Ability: Null Sphere
      • Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing 200/275/340 magic damage, applying 35/50/65%% Mana Reave, and granting Kassadin a shield that reduces incoming damage by 30% for 4 seconds.
  • Katarina
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Academy and Assassin
    • Ability: Shunpo
      • Katarina blinks behind the enemy with the lowest Health within 3 hexes and slashes all adjacent enemies, dealing 175/225/300 magic damage. Katarina gains 20/20/40 Mana for each enemy killed by Shunpo.
  • Kog’Maw
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Mutant, Sniper and Twinshot
    • Ability: Barrage
      • For 3 seconds, Kog’Maw gains infinite Attack Range, 80% Attack Speed, and his attacks deal 3/4/6% of the target’s maximum Health as bonus magic damage.
  • Leona
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Academy and Bodyguard
    • Ability:
  • Lissandra
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Chemtech and Scholar
    • Ability: Solar Eclipse
      • Leona calls down a beacon of light, granting herself a 500/800/1300 Health shield for 4 seconds. Leona and allies within 2 hexes gain 30/50/80 Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration.
  • Lux
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Academy and Arcanist
    • Ability: Final Spark
      • After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam towards the farthest enemy target, dealing 350/500/1337 magic damage and reducing the Magic Resist of enemies by 40/40/80% for 4 seconds.
  • Lulu
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Yordle and Enchanter
    • Ability: Wild Growth
      • Lulu embiggens 1/2/3 low Health allies, granting them 300/350/400 bonus Health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already embiggened, they are healed instead.
  • Malzahar
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Mutant and Arcanist
    • Ability: Malefic Visions
      • Malzahar infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing 800/1100/1500 magic damage over 8 seconds and applying 40% Magic Resistance shred for the duration. If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest 1/1/2 unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.
  • Miss Fortune
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Mercenary and Sniper
    • Ability: Make it Rain
      • Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around a random enemy, dealing 200/300/450 total magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by 50% for 6 seconds.
  • Orianna
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Clockwork and Enchanter
    • Ability: Shockwave
      • Orianna sends out her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within two hexes gain 175/375/750 shield for 4 seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt 350/550/1500 magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in, stunning them for 1.5/1.5/5 seconds
  • Poppy
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Yordle and Bodyguard
    • Ability: Buckler Toss
      • Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing 200/250/300%% of her Armor as magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks 250/375/525 damage.
  • Quinn
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Mercenary and Challenger
    • Ability: Disarming Assault
      • Quinn sends Valor out at her target, dealing 150/250/350 magic damage to the target and nearby enemies. The main target is disarmed for 3 seconds and all nearby enemies have their Attack Damage reduced by 40/40/80% for 4 seconds.
  • Samira
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Imperial Challenger
    • Ability: Flair
      • If a target is adjacent to Samira, she slashes with her blade in a cone towards them dealing 150/160/175% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies within and reducing their Armor by 5/10/15. This armor reduction can stack. Otherwise, she fires an empowered shot at her target with the same effects and refunds 20 mana.
  • Seraphine
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Socialite and Innovator
    • Ability: Encore
      • Seraphine projects her song towards the largest group of units. The song deals 200/300/1000 magic damage to enemies and applies 35/35/50% Attack Speed slow for 4 seconds. Allies it passes through are healed for 200/300/1000 Health and gain 30/50/100% Attack Speed for 4 seconds
  • Shaco
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Syndicate and Assassin
    • Ability: Deceive
      • Shaco dips into the shadows, briefly becoming untargetable. His next attack is empowered to deal 250/260/275% of his Attack Damage as physical damage, and is guaranteed to critically strike targets below 50% Health.
  • Singed
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Chemtech and Innovator
    • Ability: Fling
      • Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take 125/175/250 magic damage and are briefly stunned.
  • Sion
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Imperial, Protector and Colossus
    • Ability: Decimating Smash
      • Sion winds up for a moment, then smashes his axe down. All enemies within a large area are knocked up, stunned for 1/1.5/4 seconds, and dealt 400/600/2500 magic damage.
  • Swain
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Imperial and Arcanist
    • Ability: Death’s Hand
      • Swain unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing 300/425/575 magic damage to enemies within and healing Swain for 200/275/350 for each enemy hit.
  • Tahm Kench
    • Cost: 5
    • Traits: Mercenary, Glutton and Bruiser
    • Ability: Devour
      • Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly for 1000/2000/30000 seconds and dealing 3 magic damage damage over the duration. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes 40%% reduced damage. If they die while inside, Tahm Kench spits out a random item component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets they impact.
  • Talon
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Imperial and Assassin
    • Ability: Blade’s End
      • Passive: Talon’s first attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for 450/600/1000 magic damage over 7 seconds. Every third attack on a target applies an additional bleed.
  • Taric
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Socialite and Enchanter
    • Ability: Starlight Bastion
      • Taric heals himself and the lowest Health ally for 200/300/600. Any overhealing is converted to a shield that lasts 4 seconds.
  • Tristana
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Yordle and Sniper
    • Ability: Buster Shot
      • Tristana fires a massive cannonball towards her target, dealing 200/210/225% of her Attack Damage plus 150/200/250 physical damage to the first enemy it hits. If the target is within two hexes of Tristana, they’re knocked back 1/2/3 hexes and briefly stunned.
  • Trundle
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Scrap and Bruiser
    • Ability: Chomp
      • Trundle bites his target dealing 175% of his Attack Damage, applying 50% AS Slow for 3 seconds, and stealing 20/30/50 Attack Damage for the rest of combat.
  • Twisted Fate
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Syndicate and Arcanist
    • Ability: Wild Cards
      • Twisted Fate throws three cards in a cone that deal 150/225/300 magic damage to each enemy they pass through.
  • Twitch
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Chemtech and Assassin
    • Ability: Piercing Bolt
      • Twitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies hit, dealing 175/185/200% of his Attack Damage as physical damage and applying 50% Grievous Wounds for 5 seconds.
  • Urgot
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Chemtech and Twinshot
    • Ability: Purge
      • For the next 5 seconds, Urgot attacks the closest enemy at a fixed rate of 5/7/15 attacks per second. Each attack deals 30% AD * 30% AS physical damage. (This ability’s damage scales with
        Attack Damage and Attack Speed.)
  • Vex
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Yordle and Arcanist
    • Ability: Personal Space
      • Vex shields herself against 500/700/900 damage over 4 seconds. When the shield expires, it deals 150/250/350 magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and an additional 150/250/350 damage if it wasn’t destroyed. If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes 25% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.
  • Vi
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Enforcer, Sister and Bruiser
    • Ability: Denting Blow
      • Vi empowers her next attack to blast through her target, dealing 350/500/750 magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Armor by 40/50/70% for 8 seconds.
  • Viktor
    • Cost: 5
    • Traits: Chemtech and Arcanist
    • Ability: Death Rays
      • Viktor summons multiple singularities to fire death rays that cut across the battlefield in a line, melting through enemies’ defenses. Enemies caught in their path take 300/400/1500 magic damage, have 25/33/100% of any remaining shields destroyed, and suffer 40/50/70% Armor Shred for seconds.
  • Warwick
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Chemtech and Challenger
    • Ability: Eternal Hunger
      • Passive: Warwick’s Attacks deal an additional 6/9/12% of his target’s current Health as bonus magic damage, and heal him for the damage dealt.
  • Yone
    • Cost: 4
    • Traits: Academy and Challenger
    • Ability: Soul Unbound
      • Yone summons his spirit to attack distant enemies for 4/5/20 seconds. The spirit is an untargetable, invulnerable copy of Yone and heals him for 40/50/100% of the damage it deals. If Yone dies, his spirit dies with him.
  • Yuumi
    • Cost: 5
    • Traits: Academy, Cuddly and Scholar
    • Ability: Final Chapter
      • Yuumi and Book launch 4/6/33 waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing 60/80/247 magic damage and stunning enemies for 1 seconds. She then re-attaches to the nearest ally
  • Zac
    • Cost: 3
    • Traits: Chemtech and Bruiser
    • Ability: Yoink!
      • Zac stretches his arms up to three hexes to pull the two most distant enemies towards him, dealing 450/600/999 magic damage. Zac takes 60/70/80% less damage while using this ability.
  • Ziggs
    • Cost: 1
    • Traits: Scrap, Yordle and Arcanist
    • Ability: Mini Inferno Bomb
      • Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing 250/350/475 magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.
  • Zilean
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Clockwork and Innovator
    • Ability: Time Bomb
      • Zilean places a bomb on the closest enemy, Stunning them for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds. When the stun ends, or the target dies, the bomb explodes dealing 200/300/450 magic damage to adjacent enemies and applying 20/35/50% AS Slow for 3 seconds.
  • Zyra
    • Cost: 2
    • Traits: Syndicate and Scholar
    • Ability: Grasping Spines
      • Zyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing 200/300/500 magic damage and stunning them for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds.
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Một số thông tin bổ sung về cơ chế (hơi dài)

Tier 1 Augments​

These are the first-tier TFT Set 6 Augments. They are subject to change as the game is still on the PBE. As changes are made, this will update.

Calculated Loss

After losing your combat, gain 2 gold and a free Shop refresh.


After winning your combat, gain 1 bonus gold for every 2 surviving units.

Hyper Roll

If you have less than 10 gold at the end of a round, gain 3 gold.

Wise Spending

Gain 1 experience point when you refresh your Shop.

Binary Airdrop

Your units equipped with 2 items temporarily gain a random completed item at the start of combat.

Item Grab Bag I

Gain 1 random completed item and 1 Reforger.

Phony Frontline

Gain 2 Target Dummies.

Pandora’s Items

Gain a random component. At the start of each turn, items on your bench are randomized (excluding Force of Nature, Spatula, and consumables).


After 15 seconds of combat, your units deal 100% more damage.

Built Different I

Your units with no Traits active gain 200 Health and 30% Attack Speed.

Celestial Blessing I

Your units heal for 10% of the damage dealt by attacks and abilities. Excess healing is converted to a shield up to 300 Health.

Knife’s Edge I

Your units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain 30 Attack Damage.

Cybernetic Implants I

Your units equipped with an item gain 300 Health and 20 Attack Damage.

Exiles I

Your units that start combat with no adjacent allies gain a 40% maximum Health shield for 8 seconds.

Featherweights I

Your 1 and 2 cost units gain 40% movement and Attack Speed.

First Aid Kit

All healing and shielding received by your units is increased by 35%.

Makeshift Armor I

Your units with no items gain 30 Armor and Magic Resist.

Scoped Weapons

Double the hex range of your ranged units, and their attacks cannot miss.

Stand United I

Your units gain 3 Attack Damage and Ability Power per Trait active across your team.

Thrill of the Hunt I

Your units heal 300 Health on kill.


Whenever your team has fewer units alive than your opponent, your units regenerate 15% of their missing Health every second.


Your units’ attacks ignore 25% of the target’s Armor and reduce healing received by 50% for 10 seconds.

Academy Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Academic.

Arcanist Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Arcanist.

Runic Shield I

Arcanists start combat with a shield equal to 400% of their Ability Power.

Assassin Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Assassin.


Assassins Mana Reave the first unit they attack, increasing their maximum Mana by 65% until they cast.

Smoke Bomb

The first time Assassins drop below 60% Health, they briefly enter stealth, becoming untargetable and shedding all negative effects.

Bodyguard Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Bodyguard.

Stand Behind Me

At the start of combat, Bodyguards grant 100% of their Armor bonus to non-Bodyguard allies directly behind them (does not stack).

Bruiser Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Bruiser.

Shrug It Off

Bruisers regenerate 2% of their maximum Health each second.

Challenger Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Challenger.

En Garde

The first time an enemy is attacked by a Challenger, they are Disarmed for 4 seconds.

Chemical Overload I

Chemtechs explode on death, dealing 50% of their maximum Health as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes.

Chemtech Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Chemtech.

Clockwork Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Clockwork.

Enchanter Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Enchanter.

Enforcer Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Enforcer.

Imperial Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Imperial.

All For One

When an ally dies, they grant the Tyrant 25% of their maximum Health.

Innovator Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Innovator.


When the Innovation dies, it will become untargetable and repair itself if an Innovator is still alive.

Mercenary Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Mercenary.


Mercenary units have a 50% chance to drop 1 gold when they kill an enemy.

Mutant Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Mutant.

Unstable Evolution

Mutants randomly gain one of the following when they reach 2 star: 500 Health, 35% Attack Speed, 35 Attack Damage, or 35 Ability Power. These bonuses stack.

Protector Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Protector.

Lifelong Learning

Scholars that survive combat permanently gain 3 Ability Power.

Scholar Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Scholar.

Scrap Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Scrap.


Every 1 combat round(s) with Scrap active, gain a Magnetic Remover or Reforger.

Sniper’s Nest

Snipers gain +8% damage per round they’ve started combat in the same hex. (Maximum +40%)

Sniper Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Sniper.


Summon 1 additional Socialite Spotlight.

Socialite Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Socialite.

Syndicate Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Syndicate.

One For All

When your Syndicates die, they grant your other Syndicates 20 Attack Damage and Ability Power.

Twinshot Heart

Your team counts as having 1 additional Twinshot.

So Small

Yordles gain 35% Dodge Chance.

Tier 2 Augments​

These are the second-tier TFT Set 6 Augments. They are subject to change as the game is still on the PBE. As changes are made, this will update.

Rich Get Richer

Gain 10 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to 7.

High Roller

Gain 2 Loaded Dice.

Ancient Archives

Gain 1 Tome of Traits.

Clear Mind

If you have no units on your bench at the end of a round, gain 4 experience points.

High End Shopping

Champions appear in your Shop as if you were 1 level higher.

Woodland Charm

At the start of combat, your highest Health Champion creates a 1500 Health copy of themself (excluding items).

March of Progress

Gain 4 bonus experience points per round. You can no longer use gold to gain experience points.

Trade Sector

Gain a free Shop refresh each round.

Sunfire Board

At the start of combat, burn all enemies for 40% of their maximum HP over 16 seconds and reduce healing received by 50%.

Metabolic Accelerator

Your Tactician moves faster and heals 2 Health at the start of each round.

Salvage Bin

Gain a random completed item. Selling champions breaks apart their full items into components (excluding Force of Nature).

Knife’s Edge II

Your units that start combat in the first 2 rows gain 45 Attack Damage.

Cybernetic Implants II

Your units equipped with an item gain 450 Health and 30 Attack Damage.

Exiles II

Your units that start combat with no adajacent allies gain a 60% maximum Health shield for 8 seconds.

Featherweights II

Your 1 and 2 cost units gain 60% movement and Attack Speed.

Built Different II

Your units with no Traits active gain 300 Health and 45% Attack Speed.

Stand United II

Your units gain 4 Attack Damage and Ability Power per Trait active across your team.

Titanic Force

Your units with more than 1200 maximum Health gain Attack Damage equal to 4% of their maximum Health.

Makeshift Armor II

Your units with no items gain 45 Armor and Magic Resist.

Celestial Blessing II

Your units heal for 15% of the damage dealt by attacks and abilities. Excess healing is converted to a shield up to 450 Health.

Thrill of the Hunt II

Your units heal 450 Health on kill.

Academy Honors

Gain an Academy Emblem.

Arcane Sigil

Gain an Arcanist Emblem.

Runic Shield II

Arcanists start combat with a shield equal to 600% of their Ability Power.

Spell Blade

Arcanists’ attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 30% Ability Power on hit.

Hidden Blade

Gain an Assassin Emblem.

Safety Vest

Gain a Bodyguard Emblem.

Beef Up

Gain a Bruiser Emblem.

A New Challenger

Gain a Challenger Emblem.

Element X

Gain a Chemtech Emblem.

Chemical Overload II

Chemtechs explode on death, dealing 75% of their maximum Health as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes.

Instant Injection

Chemtechs now additionally trigger their bonuses at the start of combat.

Tick Tock

Gain a Clockwork Emblem.

Armor Plating

Colossus become invulnerable for 2 seconds the first time their Health drops to 60% and 30%.

Ardent Censer

Allies healed or shielded by Enchanters gain 15% stacking Attack Speed for the rest of combat (maximum once every 2 seconds).

Imperial Banner

Gain an Imperial Emblem.

Dual Rule

There are now 2 Tyrants.

Hired Gun

Gain a Mercenary Emblem.

Gold Reserves

Mercenaries deal 1% more damage per 1 gold you have. (Maximum +60%)

Experiment 13-37

Gain a Mutant Emblem.


Gain a Protector Emblem.


Gain a Scholar Emblem.

Metal Detector

Gain a Scrap Emblem.


Gain a Sniper Emblem.

Share the Spotlight

Allies adjacent to a spotlight at the start of combat gain 50% of its bonuses.

Shady Business

Gain a Syndicate Emblem.


Twinshot’s ranged attacks and abilities can bounce once, dealing 20% less damage.

Tier 3 Augments​

These are the third-tier TFT Set 6 Augments. They are subject to change as the game is still on the PBE. As changes are made, this will update.


Gain gold based on the number of Augments you currently have.

0 = 20g
1 = 25g
2 = 30g

Portable Forge

Open an Armory and choose 1 of 3 unique Artifacts crafted by Ornn.

Item Grab Bag II

Gain 2 random completed items and 2 Reforgers.

Band of Thieves

Gain 2 Thief’s Gloves.

New Recruit

Gain +1 team size.

Golden Ticket

Each time your Shop is refreshed, you have a 35% chance to gain a free refresh.

Level Up!

When you buy experience points, gain an additional 4 experience points. You can now reach level 10.

Exiles III

Your units that start combat with no adajacent allies gain a 80% maximum Health shield for 8 seconds.

Featherweights III

Your 1 and 2 cost units gain 80% movement and Attack Speed.

Knife’s Edge III

Your units that start combat in the first 2 rows gain 60 Attack Damage.

Cybernetic Implants III

Your units equipped with an item gain 600 Health and 40 Attack Damage

Built Different III

Your units with no Traits active gain 400 Health and 60% Attack Speed.

Stand United III

Your units gain 6 Attack Damage and Ability Power per Trait active across your team.

Makeshift Armor III

Your units with no items gain 60 Armor and Magic Resist.

Celestial Blessing III

Your units heal for 20% of the damage dealt by attacks and abilities. Excess healing is converted to a shield up to 600 Health.

Thrill of the Hunt III

Your units heal 600 Health on kill.

Academy Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Academics.

Cram Session

After casting their first Ability, Academics restore 80% of their maximum Mana.

Runic Shield III

Arcanists start combat with a shield equal to 800% Ability Power.

Arcanist Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Arcanists.

Assassin Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Assassins.

Bodyguard Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Bodyguards.

Bruiser Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Bruisers.

Challenger Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Challengers.

Chemical Overload III

Chemtechs explode on death, dealing 100% of their maximum Health as magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes.

Chemtech Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Chemtechs.

Clockwork Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Clockworks.

Broken Stopwatch

8 seconds into combat, all enemies and non-Clockwork units are frozen in time for 4 seconds.

Enchanter Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Enchanters.

Enforcer Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Enforcers.

Imperial Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Imperials.

Innovator Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Innovators.

Mercenary Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Mercenaries.

Mutant Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Mutants.

Protector Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Protectors.

Scholar Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Scholars.

Scrap Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Scraps.


Every 3 combat rounds with the Scrap Trait active, gain a random component.

Sniper Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Snipers.

Socialite Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Socialites.

Syndicate Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Syndicates.


After winning your combat, gain 1 bonus gold for each surviving Syndicate.

Twinshot Soul

Your team counts as having 2 additional Twinshots.
đánh giá sau khi đánh được vài trận bên PBE là : Biến hóa vl , buff rất nhiều , đảo bài liên tục , ví vụ chơi bài pháp sư mà được cái buff cho 1 lượng giáp ảo bằng 400% smpt là bá cháy :ah:
đánh giá sau khi đánh được vài trận bên PBE là : Biến hóa vl , buff rất nhiều , đảo bài liên tục , ví vụ chơi bài pháp sư mà được cái buff cho 1 lượng giáp ảo bằng 400% smpt là bá cháy :ah:
cảm thấy cơ chế mới cũng linh hoạt và nhiều điểm hay.
có thêm đồ hextech nhỉ

cảm thấy cơ chế mới cũng linh hoạt và nhiều điểm hay.
có thêm đồ hextech nhỉ
linh hoạt , đội hình biến hóa , được buff ngon là đổi bài lập tức , mà buff đó chính là đồ hextech đó . Chưa có item nào mới , ngoại trừ mấy cái cũ .
mới việt sub tộc tướng thôi, còn cái cơ chế thì tôi lười quá :v
để có thằng nào dịch rồi tôi update lại
khỏi cần đi thím , cứ vào chơi là quen thôi , tụi nó random mà làm sao biết được , à đúng thêm cái tộc Mutan nó cũng random luôn , nhìn hay vl :dribble:
mới việt sub tộc tướng thôi, còn cái cơ chế thì tôi lười quá :v
để có thằng nào dịch rồi tôi update lại
khỏi cần đi thím , cứ vào chơi là quen thôi , tụi nó random mà làm sao biết được , à đúng thêm cái tộc Mutan nó cũng random luôn , nhìn hay vl :dribble:
Cái cơ chế mới nó dài loằng ngoằng. Xác định 20 game đầu đấu thường + xem zu tút.
Sáng xem stream tnien Still thấy mùa này nhiều biến số vãi, ko biết slow hand như mình có hoàn thành mục tiêu cu thảo đc ko đây @@

Buff này lỗi quá, lúc sau còn lên bậc 2 là nổ 75% máu. Không cần đồ dame chỉ cần đồ máu là nổ sml team bạn
Cái cơ chế mới nó dài loằng ngoằng. Xác định 20 game đầu đấu thường + xem zu tút.
cứ chơi bình thường thôi, thay vì chọn đồ ánh sáng thì chọn 1 trong 3 kĩ năng / lần. còn không phải nhớ vì tác dụng từng cái nó hiện luôn lúc chọn
Cái buff hextech random kinh quá, kiểu gì cũng sẽ phải sửa, với lại chưa cân bằng, nhiều cái tier 2 vô dụng bỏ mẹ ra.
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