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In some countries, small town-centre shops are going out of business because people tend to drive to large out-of-town stores. As a result, people without cars have limited access to out-of-town stores, and it may result in an increase in the use of cars. Do you think the disadvantages of this change outweigh its advantages?

Outlying/urban stores: rising customer from towns => Stimulate job creation => curb local unemployment rates. However . this line of reasoning is not sound as it fails to factor in town-center stores => a sharp decline in revenues => cripple businesses => losses huge job

Albeit beneficial to a limited few…, is spelling trouble for many others.

little choice but to shop in suburban stores => inconvenience => contribute to their lower levels of life satisfaction
surging amount of exhaust fumes => exacerbate air pollution
Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? . to be continue

để cho company => giảm gánh nặng cho chính phủ, quá easy
the enormous expenses involved in carrying out science-related studies, private companies are in charge of doing this task, => state funding could be materially save. especially some developing country , the coffers => too meager to cover all the exorbitant cost

government : các doanh nghiệp ưu tiên lợi nhận
private enterprises => prioritize profit => some implications may become hazardous to social health. For example, XXX company, develop chemical/biological weapons => profiteer from arms trade => not only social health, but also spell trouble for global security. => therefore, goverment enforce strict regulation and rule to prevent
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In many countries, people throw away a lot of food from restaurants and shops.
Why do you think people waste food in this way? [reasons/causes]
What can be done to reduce the amount of food thrown away? [solutions]

cause đầu tiên : thiếu kiến thức
- Lack of awareness about the consequences between food waste and environmental pollution on the environment => hau qua : irresponsible habits of discarding food

cause 2 : quá ít nhà hàng có chính sách phạt đồ ăn thừa
fewer restaurants and shops have regulations on redudant customer's food => for example : pay more fees if excess food . example in Vietnam : many individual throw food away(vut do an) without hesitation and incur no additional cost

solution 1 : chạy chiến dịch khuyến khích funding/budget of goverment => launch more campaigns to raise public awareness about serious consequence of food waste like greengas emissions. => compelled have responsibilities to consume food

solution 2: coincidently/parallel => implement a stringent rules/regulations on food waste => pay extra money for redudant food => go a long away(góp phần quan trọng)
Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving cars and riding motorbikes.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

các bạn cẩn thận chữ the best way

body 1 : it is better than other methods => young people are not mature enough to understand the safety road => for example : the consequence without helmet, or deal with spontaneous happens in the road
However . this line of reasoning is not sound as it fails to factor
the vast majority => reckless drivers, not related to age factor ->for example, in Dong Nai => many crashes because of driving too much alcohol -> that's hardly to increase the safety rate
Body 2 : it is not the best way => have other solution. For example :
  • Introduce more stringent punishments
  • raise public awareness
-stricter in term of getting vehicle license
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Some people think that some subjects such as mathematics and philosophy ought to be optional instead of compulsory.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

pros : - focus on their interest . why ? => this rule might lessen the overemphasis on these subjects in many educational system => student tend to spend more time on other subject which they are interested
=> Recently, Vietnam perfectly exemplifies this situation => most levels of schooling place heavy emphasis the so-called core subjects : literature and mathematic

disagree : - could do more harm than good ? why => mathematics and philosophy plays an important role in honing learner's critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are necessity in thir further education. If not compulsory => skip these subjects because it's sophisticated => possibly leading to these individuals lacking sufficient skills for higher level of education
1 de vua thi
Some people feel that manufacturers and supermarkets have the responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging of goods, while others argue that customers should avoid buying goods with a lot of packaging.
Discuss both views & give your opinion.

- analyze : packaging is taking a heavy toll on the environment => evidenced landfulls : non-biodegradable waste => creates innumerable landfill contains non-biodegradable waste

-> reason : factories and retailers are directly create inordinate packaging on products => these manufacturers have to find way to reduce how much packing there is on merchandise => create a profound impact by charging for nylon bags

About Customer : Why ?
consumers have a role to curb product packaging. reason : they are hesitate. If Remove packaging => losing appeal of products => the consumer have the power to push businesses in the direction of sustainability since the company prioritize profit and customer's preferences
For example : Highland, a famous coffee house, dramatically swift to paper bags instead of plastic IN RESPONSE TO (ĐÁP ỨNG) enviromental patrons/customers
Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes after they are released.
Why is this the case?
What can be done to solve this problem?

Reason :
-various challenges of their community re-integration => for example : many employee rejected a profile of people who have criminal records

Although they want to rehabitate => the local/resident have a hostile attitude towards prisoner

  • criticized => put pressure from other people => mental health
  • frequently receive derogatory(Nhận lại những chỉ trích mạnh mẽ) about their past

Solution -> can offer more jobs such as labour-intensive job
why ? they aren't ability to provide basic needs for themselve -> trigger for committing crimes > goverment provides some special job opportunities to ensure they are cover their life/

secondly => the local and community should have a more empathetic/sympathetic attitude towards(dung dc van viet) ex-prisoner(them ex-).
How ? facilitate by the goverment such as launch some campaigns aimed at mitigating/alleviating social discrimination toward reformed inmates(ex-prisoner)
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Some people think that countries should produce foods their population eats and import less food as much as possible.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

phân tích : người ta bảo nên sản xuất nhiều đồ ăn nội địa và hạn chế nhập đồ nhập khẩu, right
domestic food => increase => become

BD1 : why ? the benefit of producing domestic foods and avoiding food import :
  • Create more job => reduce the unemployment rate => so Easy haha
  • Protect environment => because dont need plane/ship which release many emissions to transfer -> haha , facilitate/ can assist in reducing carbon footprint , C02
  • Ensure the quality of food => of course
  • Not always true but it is correct in some developing country like Vietnam because it is cheaper than imported food

BD2 : quite hard -> so with some special food like cherry , how Vietnamese farmer can plant and cultivate
-> geographic condition and climate to develop agricultural
Food plays an important role, ok ? so if one day, if a developing countries was invaded by other like Gaza strip => they would not have enough food => famine , right
Some people say that protecting the environment is the government’s responsibility. Others believe that every individual should be responsible for it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Analyze : at first, I think : why the goverment should be in charge of this issue ? they are quite busy ???? => but in the long-term ? for example with some countries like America ? Joe will have more vote in the future, right .

why government
  • have privilege to launch laws/ regulation/policies => punish people who are destroying forest
  • money ? right => intensify campaigns (study from teacher) that raise people awareness or invest in green technologies

why individual :
- simple changes => each individual's lifestyle ... may seem increase slowly. if these are multipled by the billions, this can make a huge different
right, I have to pick one of these on each perspective to write

Most of the ongoing environmental problems <= energy production and consumption => the government should regulate legislation
the goverment have the fund and ability to allocate => goverment plays an indispensable role to address environmetal issues => taxpayer's money => ploughed back into (tái đầu tư) researching method to decrease contaminated sources

changing in each individual' => avoid/ shy away(same meaning) from single-use products/ minimizing the use of plastic bags
patronizing stores which advocate sustainable green enviroment and boycotting companies that are reluctant
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Some people think governments should care more about elderly while others think they should focus on investing in education for younger people.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

View 1 : why government care about elderly ? => I dont think any idea related to this
but => the budget could make contribution elderly
=> counter relate to budget deficit => everything about government, I always think about MONEY haha
// hmm, I thought incorrectly with adults => well, when it comes to elderly, they pay tax/tariff to contribute the budget of governement => so the goverment have to compensate their contributions
View 2 : why focus on education for younger people
=> Haha, I alway prepare this "cheat" : talking about "Long term/short term" in the short term it can be Ok but it's not true in Long term

so allocate to education for younger make/lay a foundations to make thriving economy in the future
in the long-term
Question: The best way to understand other cultures is to work for a multinational organisation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

work for a multinational organization : => have more chances to meet colleagues from different cultural
=> However, this exposure only focus on working instead of customs

===> answer : this is not best way :
  • learning from history/language
  • pratical : travel

employees are routinely exposed to colleagues from different backgrounds => fostering their appreciation for many customs and culture. Paradoxically, it is important to acknowledge that this exposure are limited since they only discuss about working instead of delving inot cultural

from my perspective, there are more methods are better . One approach is that engaging with foreign communities and participating in their customs. This method can allow individuals to experience cultural nuances => have a profound appreciation .

secondly, -> studying the history, literature can bring an deeper insight of its roots and evolution,
Why some people advocate => thanks to technology => without commuting to company,
Other => many devices to diagnose health problems , if not => many people couldn’t detect potential problems such as cancer.

Same important => why, musician and artist => mental health problems

It is widely understandable why many people advocate that going to single-sex schools for children is disadvantageous later in life. One reason is that students who study in single-sex schools have a narrower insight into other gender. To be … shy to start conversations with other gender.

I disagree going to single-sex schools is disadvantageous => understanding the strengths and weakens of each gender to develop their skill. For example, most male are probably more are smarter than female, therefore schools teach only science subject to boost their cognitive skills. Paradoxically, in terms of female , likely have a knack of artfulness , thus focus on cooking or singing. If female and male study together, it is quite tough to develop their abilities.

Why some people think : For example, Bill Gate, could resolve many complex math problems when he was 10. Therefore, it lays a foundation ….
Not “only” , why => success can measure by “hardworking and determine”
On the other hand, there are a host of compelling reasons as to why I am convinced that jobseekers have different motivations apart from salary when choosing an occupation. One reason is that job satisfaction is extremely important when choosing a career -> tại sao không có could, probably, likely. If candidates adore the outdoor life, they will not be happy being a stockbroker or a financier, no matter the salaries for both positions are extremely high. Another reason is that social contributions should be considered thoroughly before selecting a profession. For example, employees who work for projects aiming to raise the academic level of children living in remote areas are more delighted and satisfied than those having 9-to-5 jobs, even though their paychecks are quite low.

câu idea hơi quy chụp vậy ta
Phân tích style viết : idea + câu hypothesis, nhưng mà dùng will không đúng lắm, dùng probably would => PP reverse

câu 2 : idea => specify cụ thể ai chịu ảnh hưởng
On the one hand, it is understandable why stricter punishments for driving offenses is the only way to improve safety on roads. The key rationale for this thinking is a deterrence effect . For example, higher fines for many violations could act as a deterrent, therefore many people would think twice before driving recklessly. Nevertheless, I think that this is only true in a few cases since many rich people could cover the fines, thus they would still re-offend and break the laws. (mini-conclusion) On this count, the idea that stricter punishments for driving offenses is the only way to improve safety on roads is actually invalid since the mentioned flaw.

On the other hand, there are a host of compelling reasons why I am convinced that there are many other ways to improve safety on roads besides imposing stricter punishments. One of these other ways besides imposing stricter punishments is increasing the minimum legal age of driving cars and motorbikes. To be more specifical, young people are not mature enough to absorb the safety road. For example, many research in UK indicated that without the awareness about the consequences about safety road, many young people probably would not wear helmet, it leads to many accidents, or even demises in the roads. (Discussion - what happens ???) In most countries, government tend to launch many rules to restrict the young under 16 engaging in the roads to alleviate the number of accidents . ( mini-conclusion) This is a powerful testament to why there are many other ways besides imposing stricter punishment
One the one hand….. Decrease the proportion of students being deformed(deform).(what happened) For example, many students distort and deform because of sitting for hours on end in front of the computer screen to study. As many schools in the UK held many lessons about outdoor activities, the number of students being deformed decreased significantly. (discussion -> benefit) Owing to these extra lessons, their schools are attractive to many students who want to find a next level school to pursue their study.

Other way, is not the best way because of fee.Why ? -. Although physical education lessons in the school is a way to improve their health, many people, who came from the underprivileged could not cover the tuition for extra physical lessons.
“Only” contains entertainment contents is meeting the consumer demand. Most audiences find films to have entertainment value after working days, therefore these contents are a good way to mitigate stress and anxiety. Secondly, this impacts a significant economic sector. creates a wide range of jobs related to entertainment for many people who come from the underprivileged and have a knack of entertainment, therefore they can meet their end and cover their lives. nháp
Some argue that patriotism is the primary cause of wars globally. Others feel that it serves to prevent less ethical politicians from running a country and starting wars. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

đề ý sau khó vc
mie mấy đề history khó vc

Manipulation by leader => exacerbating tensions and justifying aggressive actions​

Running a country => patriotism => foster a sense of unity and identity among citizen
Less ethical politicians => defend itself agains external threats => launching attack…
Nowadays more tasks at home and work are being performed by robots. Is this a negative or positive development? (24/4/2021)

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment, such as South pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Some people store personal and private information online, including banking, contacts and
addresses. Is it a positive or negative trend?