thắc mắc Nhật ký IELTS trong những ngày cuối trc khi thi -full 4 skill

- Topic: fast food + inactive way of life + gap in knowledge: main rationales behind obesity => should focus on these problems to solve obesity issue

- Explanation: various approaches that government can adopt:

reducing junk food intake: levy steeper tax on every fast food chain

encouraging the habit of exercising: allocate more fund to equip sport amenities & facilities

raising people’s awareness: launch campaigns & organize workshops/courses => spread the knowledge of detrimental effects of convenience food & a sedentary lifestyle
- Topic: fast food + inactive way of life + gap in knowledge: main rationales behind obesity => should focus on these problems to solve obesity issue

- Explanation: various approaches that government can adopt:

reducing junk food intake: levy steeper tax on every fast food chain

encouraging the habit of exercising: allocate more fund to equip sport amenities & facilities

raising people’s awareness: launch campaigns & organize workshops/courses => spread the knowledge of detrimental effects of convenience food & a sedentary lifestyle
- Topic: fast food + inactive way of life + gap in knowledge: main rationales behind obesity => should focus on these problems to solve obesity issue

- Explanation: various approaches that government can adopt:

reducing junk food intake: levy steeper tax on every fast food chain

encouraging the habit of exercising: allocate more fund to equip sport amenities & facilities

raising people’s awareness: launch campaigns & organize workshops/courses => spread the knowledge of detrimental effects of convenience food & a sedentary lifestyle
- Topic: fast food + inactive way of life + gap in knowledge: main rationales behind obesity => should focus on these problems to solve obesity issue

- Explanation: various approaches that government can adopt:

reducing junk food intake: levy steeper tax on every fast food chain

encouraging the habit of exercising: allocate more fund to equip sport amenities & facilities

raising people’s awareness: launch campaigns & organize workshops/courses => spread the knowledge of detrimental effects of convenience food & a sedentary lifestyle
- Topic: fast food + inactive way of life + gap in knowledge: main rationales behind obesity => should focus on these problems to solve obesity issue

- Explanation: various approaches that government can adopt:

reducing junk food intake: levy steeper tax on every fast food chain

encouraging the habit of exercising: allocate more fund to equip sport amenities & facilities

raising people’s awareness: launch campaigns & organize workshops/courses => spread the knowledge of detrimental effects of convenience food & a sedentary lifestyle
- Topic: fast food + inactive way of life + gap in knowledge: main rationales behind obesity => should focus on these problems to solve obesity issue

- Explanation: various approaches that government can adopt:

reducing junk food intake: levy steeper tax on every fast food chain

encouraging the habit of exercising: allocate more fund to equip sport amenities & facilities

raising people’s awareness: launch campaigns & organize workshops/courses => spread the knowledge of detrimental effects of convenience food & a sedentary lifestyle
Children becoming overweight: Responsibility

Idea 1: Government level

- Topic:
government should be responsible for its citizens’ physical wellbeing

- Explanation 1: lax supervision + inadequate education from government => overconsumption of fast food + lack of regular exercise = main causes of obesity

- Explanation 2: the public’s general health = one of the most important measures of a nation’s prosperity => a competent & responsible government = take actions => ensure its citizens’ wellness
Children becoming overweight: Responsibility

Idea 1: Government level

- Topic:
government should be responsible for its citizens’ physical wellbeing

- Explanation 1: lax supervision + inadequate education from government => overconsumption of fast food + lack of regular exercise = main causes of obesity

- Explanation 2: the public’s general health = one of the most important measures of a nation’s prosperity => a competent & responsible government = take actions => ensure its citizens’ wellness
Children becoming overweight: Responsibility

Idea 1: Government level

- Topic:
government should be responsible for its citizens’ physical wellbeing

- Explanation 1: lax supervision + inadequate education from government => overconsumption of fast food + lack of regular exercise = main causes of obesity

- Explanation 2: the public’s general health = one of the most important measures of a nation’s prosperity => a competent & responsible government = take actions => ensure its citizens’ wellness
Children becoming overweight: Responsibility

Idea 1: Government level

- Topic:
government should be responsible for its citizens’ physical wellbeing

- Explanation 1: lax supervision + inadequate education from government => overconsumption of fast food + lack of regular exercise = main causes of obesity

- Explanation 2: the public’s general health = one of the most important measures of a nation’s prosperity => a competent & responsible government = take actions => ensure its citizens’ wellness
Children becoming overweight: Responsibility

Idea 1: Government level

- Topic:
government should be responsible for its citizens’ physical wellbeing

- Explanation 1: lax supervision + inadequate education from government => overconsumption of fast food + lack of regular exercise = main causes of obesity

- Explanation 2: the public’s general health = one of the most important measures of a nation’s prosperity => a competent & responsible government = take actions => ensure its citizens’ wellness
Children becoming overweight: Responsibility

Idea 1: Government level

- Topic:
government should be responsible for its citizens’ physical wellbeing

- Explanation 1: lax supervision + inadequate education from government => overconsumption of fast food + lack of regular exercise = main causes of obesity

- Explanation 2: the public’s general health = one of the most important measures of a nation’s prosperity => a competent & responsible government = take actions => ensure its citizens’ wellness
Children becoming overweight: Responsibility

Idea 1: Government level

- Topic:
government should be responsible for its citizens’ physical wellbeing

- Explanation 1: lax supervision + inadequate education from government => overconsumption of fast food + lack of regular exercise = main causes of obesity

- Explanation 2: the public’s general health = one of the most important measures of a nation’s prosperity => a competent & responsible government = take actions => ensure its citizens’ wellness
Idea 2: Individual level

- Topic:
parents should also be accountable

- Explanation: children spend most of their time with parents => parents = one of the main sources of influence on children => should take charge of preparing healthy meals & educating children to develop an active way of life
Idea 2: Individual level

- Topic:
parents should also be accountable

- Explanation: children spend most of their time with parents => parents = one of the main sources of influence on children => should take charge of preparing healthy meals & educating children to develop an active way of life
Idea 2: Individual level

- Topic:
parents should also be accountable

- Explanation: children spend most of their time with parents => parents = one of the main sources of influence on children => should take charge of preparing healthy meals & educating children to develop an active way of life
Inadequate exercises among city dwellers: Causes

Idea 1: Lack of open space

- Topic:
limited outdoor places in urban areas => cause difficulty for city dwellers to exercise

- Explanation: overpopulation in metropolises => being covered with concrete buildings or industrial zones => not enough green areas (parks, gardens,...) to do exercises
Inadequate exercises among city dwellers: Causes

Idea 1: Lack of open space

- Topic:
limited outdoor places in urban areas => cause difficulty for city dwellers to exercise

- Explanation: overpopulation in metropolises => being covered with concrete buildings or industrial zones => not enough green areas (parks, gardens,...) to do exercises
Inadequate exercises among city dwellers: Causes

Idea 1: Lack of open space

- Topic:
limited outdoor places in urban areas => cause difficulty for city dwellers to exercise

- Explanation: overpopulation in metropolises => being covered with concrete buildings or industrial zones => not enough green areas (parks, gardens,...) to do exercises
Idea 2: Proliferation of clerical jobs

- Topic:
more people work on a full-time basis in cities => not enough time to do physical exercise

- Explanation: the majority of people living in cities are white-collar workers who normally work 8 hours per day or even work overtime => often have tight schedule => do not have enough time to exercise + after a hard day at work: more likely to choose activities that are less physically demanding (surf the internet, read book, watch TV,...)