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Government regulations on the waste treatment processes within manufacturing plants should be reinforced/ made more stringent, and companies intent on breaching environmental laws should be strictly punished. In cases of continuous violation, imprisonment on business owners should be taken into consideration
Government regulations on the waste treatment processes within manufacturing plants should be reinforced/ made more stringent, and companies intent on breaching environmental laws should be strictly punished. In cases of continuous violation, imprisonment on business owners should be taken into consideration
Government regulations on the waste treatment processes within manufacturing plants should be reinforced/ made more stringent, and companies intent on breaching environmental laws should be strictly punished. In cases of continuous violation, imprisonment on business owners should be taken into consideration
Government regulations on the waste treatment processes within manufacturing plants should be reinforced/ made more stringent, and companies intent on breaching environmental laws should be strictly punished. In cases of continuous violation, imprisonment on business owners should be taken into consideration
Government regulations on the waste treatment processes within manufacturing plants should be reinforced/ made more stringent, and companies intent on breaching environmental laws should be strictly punished. In cases of continuous violation, imprisonment on business owners should be taken into consideration
Government regulations on the waste treatment processes within manufacturing plants should be reinforced/ made more stringent, and companies intent on breaching environmental laws should be strictly punished. In cases of continuous violation, imprisonment on business owners should be taken into consideration
The government should allocate more state funding into green campaigns/
initiatives/ movements that raise the public's awareness of the adverse effects on humanity from ongoing environmental issues. Although some among the masses may be oblivious to/ ignorant of these movements, public engagement would improve when freebies, incentives and rewards are handed out/ included in events about environmental protection.
The government should allocate more state funding into green campaigns/
initiatives/ movements that raise the public's awareness of the adverse effects on humanity from ongoing environmental issues. Although some among the masses may be oblivious to/ ignorant of these movements, public engagement would improve when freebies, incentives and rewards are handed out/ included in events about environmental protection.
The government should allocate more state funding into green campaigns/
initiatives/ movements that raise the public's awareness of the adverse effects on humanity from ongoing environmental issues. Although some among the masses may be oblivious to/ ignorant of these movements, public engagement would improve when freebies, incentives and rewards are handed out/ included in events about environmental protection.
The government should allocate more state funding into green campaigns/
initiatives/ movements that raise the public's awareness of the adverse effects on humanity from ongoing environmental issues. Although some among the masses may be oblivious to/ ignorant of these movements, public engagement would improve when freebies, incentives and rewards are handed out/ included in events about environmental protection.
The government should allocate more state funding into green campaigns/
initiatives/ movements that raise the public's awareness of the adverse effects on humanity from ongoing environmental issues. Although some among the masses may be oblivious to/ ignorant of these movements, public engagement would improve when freebies, incentives and rewards are handed out/ included in events about environmental protection.
I. COVID-19:
[Intro]: People nowadays are facing a host of health-related problems, with the most recent example being COVID-19.
=> Although we're past the peak of the pandemic/ the severity of the pandemic has eased/lessened, the aftermath of it is dire/ rampant/ overarching.
I. COVID-19:
[Intro]: People nowadays are facing a host of health-related problems, with the most recent example being COVID-19.
=> Although we're past the peak of the pandemic/ the severity of the pandemic has eased/lessened, the aftermath of it is dire/ rampant/ overarching.
I. COVID-19:
[Intro]: People nowadays are facing a host of health-related problems, with the most recent example being COVID-19.
=> Although we're past the peak of the pandemic/ the severity of the pandemic has eased/lessened, the aftermath of it is dire/ rampant/ overarching.
I. COVID-19:
[Intro]: People nowadays are facing a host of health-related problems, with the most recent example being COVID-19.
=> Although we're past the peak of the pandemic/ the severity of the pandemic has eased/lessened, the aftermath of it is dire/ rampant/ overarching.
+ The pathogen has claimed the lives of millions of people all over the world
(the death toll/ mortality rate during the peak of Covid-19 was alarming)
New waves/outbreaks of infected cases have always resulted in social chaos in their wake => For instance, certain precautions, including social distancing policies, have been adopted by governments worldwide to restrict community transmission.
+ The pathogen has claimed the lives of millions of people all over the world
(the death toll/ mortality rate during the peak of Covid-19 was alarming)
New waves/outbreaks of infected cases have always resulted in social chaos in their wake => For instance, certain precautions, including social distancing policies, have been adopted by governments worldwide to restrict community transmission.
+ The pathogen has claimed the lives of millions of people all over the world
(the death toll/ mortality rate during the peak of Covid-19 was alarming)
New waves/outbreaks of infected cases have always resulted in social chaos in their wake => For instance, certain precautions, including social distancing policies, have been adopted by governments worldwide to restrict community transmission.
+ The pathogen has claimed the lives of millions of people all over the world
(the death toll/ mortality rate during the peak of Covid-19 was alarming)
New waves/outbreaks of infected cases have always resulted in social chaos in their wake => For instance, certain precautions, including social distancing policies, have been adopted by governments worldwide to restrict community transmission.
+ The pathogen has claimed the lives of millions of people all over the world
(the death toll/ mortality rate during the peak of Covid-19 was alarming)
New waves/outbreaks of infected cases have always resulted in social chaos in their wake => For instance, certain precautions, including social distancing policies, have been adopted by governments worldwide to restrict community transmission.
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