thắc mắc Practice IELTS

Advanced technological tools are manipulated/ taken advantage of for certain personal gains: For example, students are secretly smuggling their internet-connected mobile phones into the exam room for cheating (miniature earplugs/ minute earplugs) => The core value of education has been ruined.
Advanced technological tools are manipulated/ taken advantage of for certain personal gains: For example, students are secretly smuggling their internet-connected mobile phones into the exam room for cheating (miniature earplugs/ minute earplugs) => The core value of education has been ruined.
Advanced technological tools are manipulated/ taken advantage of for certain personal gains: For example, students are secretly smuggling their internet-connected mobile phones into the exam room for cheating (miniature earplugs/ minute earplugs) => The core value of education has been ruined.
Advanced technological tools are manipulated/ taken advantage of for certain personal gains: For example, students are secretly smuggling their internet-connected mobile phones into the exam room for cheating (miniature earplugs/ minute earplugs) => The core value of education has been ruined.
=> students' mental calculation skills have been eroded/ marginalized because of the widespread use of advanced pocket calculators that could go the whole nine yards/ handle any mathematical equation.
=> students' mental calculation skills have been eroded/ marginalized because of the widespread use of advanced pocket calculators that could go the whole nine yards/ handle any mathematical equation.
=> students' mental calculation skills have been eroded/ marginalized because of the widespread use of advanced pocket calculators that could go the whole nine yards/ handle any mathematical equation.
=> students' mental calculation skills have been eroded/ marginalized because of the widespread use of advanced pocket calculators that could go the whole nine yards/ handle any mathematical equation.
=> students' mental calculation skills have been eroded/ marginalized because of the widespread use of advanced pocket calculators that could go the whole nine yards/ handle any mathematical equation.
=> students' mental calculation skills have been eroded/ marginalized because of the widespread use of advanced pocket calculators that could go the whole nine yards/ handle any mathematical equation.
=> students' mental calculation skills have been eroded/ marginalized because of the widespread use of advanced pocket calculators that could go the whole nine yards/ handle any mathematical equation.
Prolonged exposure to technological devices would entail certain health-related risks/ adverse effects both in terms of physical and mental aspects.
a. Bodily physical effects:
Eyesight: blue lights emitted from the screen of technological devices would hurt our eyes => Vietnamese children are a telling example: due to excessive exposure to tablets and cellphones, a vast majority of children there are vulnerable to short-sightedness/ near-sightedness.
Prolonged exposure to technological devices would entail certain health-related risks/ adverse effects both in terms of physical and mental aspects.
a. Bodily physical effects:
Eyesight: blue lights emitted from the screen of technological devices would hurt our eyes => Vietnamese children are a telling example: due to excessive exposure to tablets and cellphones, a vast majority of children there are vulnerable to short-sightedness/ near-sightedness.
Prolonged exposure to technological devices would entail certain health-related risks/ adverse effects both in terms of physical and mental aspects.
a. Bodily physical effects:
Eyesight: blue lights emitted from the screen of technological devices would hurt our eyes => Vietnamese children are a telling example: due to excessive exposure to tablets and cellphones, a vast majority of children there are vulnerable to short-sightedness/ near-sightedness.