thảo luận Học tập theo bác @ChiNhaKhoa: Nhật ký 60 ngày luyện tiếng Anh

Ngày 16
Unit 16 A haunted house

G: Oh no, it’s raining, I wanted to go to the beach today.
B: Well, I’m visiting a haunted house this afternoon you can come with me if you like.
G: A haunted house? What is it like?
B: It’s really dark with lots of old furniture and pictures on the walls. It’s called haunted house because it’s full of ghosts.
G: You are joking, right? I don’t believe in ghosts. Where is the haunted house?
B: The house is in the old forest.
G: Oh, are you really sure you want to go?
B: What wrong? I thought you didn’t believe in ghosts.
G: wow, I don’t really believe in ghosts but ...
B: That OK, I don’t believe in ghosts either, I was only joking, the old house isn’t really haunted, It just a very old, empty house.
G: hew, I’m glad to hear that, I’ll come with you.

Từ mới
Ngày 17
Unit 17 A big screen TV

B: I’m thinking about buying a big screen TV.
G: wow, I’ve seen those in the store. They cost a lot of money. Can you afford to buy one?
B: They do cost a lot of money, but I really enjoy watching TV, I think it’s much more fun to watch TV shows on a big screen.
G: I never watched TV on a big screen. Do you think the quality of the pictures is good?
B: Yes, the quality is great, when you watch soccer game, you feel like you are right there on the field.
G: When you buy a TV can I come over to your house then I can enjoy watching TV on the big screen with you.
B: I have to save some money to buy the TV first, It will be a few moths before I can afford to buy it.

...Đoạn này mình nghe được ko có từ mới
Ngay 18 roi cac bac a :D

Unit 18 He’s Famous

B: Are you going to the new Tim Cross movie tonight?
G: I don’t know, it looks kind of boring.
B: Really, I think it looks quite interesting, beside Tim Cross is a famous actor.
G: He maybe famous but I don’t think he is very good actor. He always acts in the same sort of movie, he never does anything different.
B: Well, at least you think he’s good looking, right.
G: No, not really, he always looks so sleepy.
B: But most girls thinks he’s handsome, maybe that’s why he so famous.
G: None of my friends think he is good looking at all, I used to like him a few years ago, but now I think he’s not handsome at all.
B: Hey, I just got a haircut to try to look more like him.
G: Wow, that is explains why I don’t like your new haircut.
Ngay 19
Unit 19 A housewarming party
G: Hi Steve, thanks for coming to my housewarming party.
B: Hello Sue, Thanks for inviting me to see your lovely new home, it’s beautiful.
G: Thank you, I’m glad you like it.
B: Did you decorate your house all buy yourself?
G: Yes, I did. I travelled around Europe last year. I got some beautiful furniture for my house there.
B: Do you plan to go on a new trip this summer.
G: Yes, I’m planning to visit China.
B: That’s great, how long you will be there.
G: I will be there for a month.
B: You can find some beautiful things in China for your new house. You should go shopping while you are there.
G: of course, it will be fun to go shopping there, by the way please help yourself to refreshments.
B: Thanks, the food looks delicious.

Tu moi:
Unit 20 Making music

Do you like to listen to music, music is made up of sound, people all over the world like music, people have liked it for hundreds of years. People who write music are called composers. Most of the time a composer does not sing or play his own music. He writes this all down in the form of milk who know how to read music can understand these notes. This is how people can sing the song or play it. Lots of people like to play music, music can be played on instruments, there are many types of musical instruments, some of these are the piano, the violin, and the drum. People can make music as a group, a choir is a group of people who sing, an orchestra is a group of people who play musical instruments.

Từ mới:
Ngày21 : hôm nay hơi mệt các bácạ
Unit 21 Where is your homework?

G: Did you finish your homework for English class?
B: Homework? There wasn’t any homework.
G: We had to finish reading a book and then write a 200 word essay on it.
B: I don’t think Ms. Jones gave us any homework. I always write what I have to do in my notebook. Did she really tell us to write an essay?
G: Yes. Look, here’s my essay. See?
B: Oh no! What am I going to do? We’ve only got 10 minutes before class starts.
G: I don’t know. Maybe Ms. Jones will let you hand it in tomorrow.
B: Hey, let me copy your essay. I’ll change a few words. Ms. Jones will never know.
G: No, I’m sorry. That’s not the right thing to do.
B: Oh, come on! I thought you were my friend.
G: I am your friend. That’s why I’m not letting you copy my work!

Từ mới:
Ngày 22; mình đã bỏ qua 2 ngày :(

After school activities

B: Will you play any sports this school year?
G: I want to play hockey but I’m not sure if I will have enough time.
B: I am on the soccer team, I’m also going to take up swimming.
G: You are going to be on the soccer team and swim too.
B: yay.
G: That seems like a lot, you will be very busy, do you think you will have any free time?
B: I will play soccer with my soccer team during the week, I will go swing during the weekend.
G: When will you have time to do your homework and when will you study?
B: I do my homework after school every day. I study every weekend. My mother won’t let me play sports until I have done all my work.
G: Wow, I hope you find enough time for both schoolwork and sports. Good luck.
Ngày 23:
Unit 23 Arts and craft class
M: Hi Mom, I’m back from arts and crafts class. Look at what I’m wearing?
G: Well, you are wearing blue T-shirt ang jeans.
M: Sure, but what else am I wearing?
G: Oh, those earrings that very pretty. Is that what you are learning to make this week in arts and crafts class?
M: Yes, we are learning to make jewelry from beads this week, the beads come in different colors and shapes. First, we decide what sort of jewelry we want to make, then we choose the beads we want and string them on transparent plastic wire.
G: That’s sound like a lot of fun.
M: Yeah, Tom made a bead necklace for his sister, and I made some earrings, Guess what, mom? I made a pair of earrings for you, too.
G: Oh, these very pretty, thank you very much.
M: Next week, I’m going to make a necklace.

Từ mới:
transparent plastic wire: dây nhựa trắng
a pair of earrings: 1đôi bông tai
sort of jewelry: loại trang sức
Mình đã bỏ gần 1 tuần rồi
Hnay mình quyết tâm trở lại ạ
Ngày thứ 24

Unit 24 Grandfather birthday

Son: Hi mom, guess what? We got our English test back today, I got a higher score in my class.
Mom: Oh Billi, I’m glad you did some well, you worked hard for that test.
Son: Thanks mom, I’m hungry, what’s for dinner?
Mom: We are going to your aunt’s place for dinner tonight, it’s your grandfather’s party today, remember?
Son: Oh no, I forgot, I haven’t got a birthday gift for grandpa.
Mom: Don’t worry, I bought a gift for him yesterday from three of us, anyway your English test score it’s a good gift for your grandfather. The whole family will be the party tonight. All your aunts, uncles and cousins are coming.
Son: I haven’t seen the whole family in a long time.
Mom: well, you’ll seen them tonight. Now how are you open you get ready.
Son: OK, when are we leaving?
Mom: when your father get home from work.
Unit 25 The lesson
There was once a man who lived with his two sons, the two sons were always fighting with each other. One day the man decided to teach his sons the lesson, the man gave his the younger son two large sticks, he told the boy to break them, the boy try hard but he couldn't break the sticks, the older son also couldn't break the sticks, at last, the man gave only one stick to each son. He said break them, each son broke it easily, the man said: you are like these sticks. if you work together no one can break you, but if you fight with each other all the time one day someone will break both of you. After that lesson the son stop fighting they started to work together
Unit 26 A problem at the office

B: I have a big problem at the office today.
G: What happened.
B: I couldn’t use my computer all day.
G: Was this because of a virus.
B: Yes, I opened a file that had a virus.
G: Oh no, you must be careful when you open file in your email. A virus can make your whole your computer crash.
B: It was an accident; I didn’t know the file have a virus. I’ll be more careful next time.
G: What did you do next.
B: I ask a computer repair man to come to the office. He worked all day to repair my computer, but the real problem is I may have lost some of my work.
G: Don’t worry, your work is probably still long computer. I can help you get it back; next time make sure you have back-up file. Just in case it happens again.
Unit 27 My future job

G: What do you want to be when you grow up Mark?
B: I want to be a teacher, I think I would like to help children learn.
G: Wow, you know, teachers work verry hard and they are not paid much money.
B: I don’t care about money, teaching is an important job.
G: What subject will want to teach?
B: I want to teach Mathematics, like MS. Kim , She makes leaning fun, I didn’t know that I would like Math so much until I joined her class. Now, Mathematics is my favorite subject.
G: If you want to teach Math you’ll have to work hard and learn it well.
B: No problem, I got an A on the examination last week, with good teacher like met him learning it easy.
G: I want to be a teacher too, but I want to teach English not Math

New vocabulary:
Unit 28 Shopping
G: We are having a summer sale, everything its 50% off the normal price.
B: Really? Everything?
G: Yes, everything it om sale. Including: sunglasses, hats, and bags. All the summer clothes are on sale too.
B: I do need some new sunglasses; I lose mine when I went the beach this summer. Oh, these are really nice, what is the price of these? There is no price tag on them

G: well sir, there is no price tag on those sunglasses because they are mine.
B: Really, I would like to get a pair of sunglasses just like these. Where did you get them?
G: Actually, I got them for 50$ at supper glasses.
B: There is a supper glasses store in this mall, isn’t there.
G: Yes, but let me show you the sunglasses we have on sale.
B: No thanks, I’ll just I go to supper glasses.
Continue listing thôi các bác ơi
bài 29 rồi ạ

Unit 29 A parttime job

B: I want to find a parttime job, Do you have any ideas about where I should look for work.
G: Have you looked in the newspaper, there are lots of job advisements in the newspaper.
B: Yes, I have. But there was no jobs I was interested in.
G: Did you search on the internet? Many companies put job advisements on the internet.
B: No, I haven’t look on the internet. I don’t know what I should search for?
G: There are many websites that have job postings that you could look at. You could also search for the type of job you are interested in.
B: OK, thanks for telling me what I need to do. I’ll start my internet search right now.
G: I have a list of some website, you could start looking at those fists, that might saving you some time.
B: That will be very useful, thanks.
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Cố lên bác, mừa dầm thấm lâu, vì tương lai con em chúng ta sau này
Let's try your best! small is the seed of every greatness. For our children's future :D