thắc mắc Practice IELTS

  • S + was the highest/lowest, at …,
  • At the bottom/top of the chart, S register the lowest + N/data/figure = accounting for = comprising = making up = occupying the smallest/greatest minority of the total, at…
  • S + was the highest/lowest, at …,
  • At the bottom/top of the chart, S register the lowest + N/data/figure = accounting for = comprising = making up = occupying the smallest/greatest minority of the total, at…
EX: At the bottom of the chart, the ratio of classes with more than 30 students registered the lowest data/ accounted for the smallest minority of the total in all states, at no more than 5%.
  • S + was the highest/lowest, at …,
  • At the bottom/top of the chart, S register the lowest + N/data/figure = accounting for = comprising = making up = occupying the smallest/greatest minority of the total, at…
EX: At the bottom of the chart, the ratio of classes with more than 30 students registered the lowest data/ accounted for the smallest minority of the total in all states, at no more than 5%.
  • S + was the highest/lowest, at …,
  • At the bottom/top of the chart, S register the lowest + N/data/figure = accounting for = comprising = making up = occupying the smallest/greatest minority of the total, at…
EX: At the bottom of the chart, the ratio of classes with more than 30 students registered the lowest data/ accounted for the smallest minority of the total in all states, at no more than 5%.
  • S + was the highest/lowest, at …,
  • At the bottom/top of the chart, S register the lowest + N/data/figure = accounting for = comprising = making up = occupying the smallest/greatest minority of the total, at…
  • S + was the highest/lowest, at …,
  • At the bottom/top of the chart, S register the lowest + N/data/figure = accounting for = comprising = making up = occupying the smallest/greatest minority of the total, at…
EX: At the bottom of the chart, the ratio of classes with more than 30 students registered the lowest data/ accounted for the smallest minority of the total in all states, at no more than 5%.
  • S + was the highest/lowest, at …,
  • At the bottom/top of the chart, S register the lowest + N/data/figure = accounting for = comprising = making up = occupying the smallest/greatest minority of the total, at…
EX: At the bottom of the chart, the ratio of classes with more than 30 students registered the lowest data/ accounted for the smallest minority of the total in all states, at no more than 5%.
  • S + was the highest/lowest, at …,
  • At the bottom/top of the chart, S register the lowest + N/data/figure = accounting for = comprising = making up = occupying the smallest/greatest minority of the total, at…
EX: At the bottom of the chart, the ratio of classes with more than 30 students registered the lowest data/ accounted for the smallest minority of the total in all states, at no more than 5%.
  • There was an affinity = similarity in N and N, with the data making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying … for each/, respectively.
EX: There was an affinity in the proportion of classes with the capacity of no more than 20 students in NSW and WA, with the figure comprising about one fourth for each
  • There was an affinity = similarity in N and N, with the data making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying … for each/, respectively.
EX: There was an affinity in the proportion of classes with the capacity of no more than 20 students in NSW and WA, with the figure comprising about one fourth for each
  • There was an affinity = similarity in N and N, with the data making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying … for each/, respectively.
EX: There was an affinity in the proportion of classes with the capacity of no more than 20 students in NSW and WA, with the figure comprising about one fourth for each
  • There was an affinity = similarity in N and N, with the data making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying … for each/, respectively.
EX: There was an affinity in the proportion of classes with the capacity of no more than 20 students in NSW and WA, with the figure comprising about one fourth for each
  • There was an affinity = similarity in N and N, with the data making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying … for each/, respectively.
EX: There was an affinity in the proportion of classes with the capacity of no more than 20 students in NSW and WA, with the figure comprising about one fourth for each
  • There was an affinity = similarity in N and N, with the data making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying … for each/, respectively.
EX: There was an affinity in the proportion of classes with the capacity of no more than 20 students in NSW and WA, with the figure comprising about one fourth for each
  • S was/were likely to surpass = outstrip = overtake S to V, making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying …
EX: The percentage of classes with 26-30 students in NSW was likely to outstrip that of the remaining states, occupying 33% of the total.
  • S was/were likely to surpass = outstrip = overtake S to V, making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying …
EX: The percentage of classes with 26-30 students in NSW was likely to outstrip that of the remaining states, occupying 33% of the total.

  • S was/were likely to surpass = outstrip = overtake S to V, making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying …
EX: The percentage of classes with 26-30 students in NSW was likely to outstrip that of the remaining states, occupying 33% of the total.
  • S was/were likely to surpass = outstrip = overtake S to V, making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying …
EX: The percentage of classes with 26-30 students in NSW was likely to outstrip that of the remaining states, occupying 33% of the total.
  • S was/were likely to surpass = outstrip = overtake S to V, making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying …
EX: The percentage of classes with 26-30 students in NSW was likely to outstrip that of the remaining states, occupying 33% of the total.
  • S was/were likely to surpass = outstrip = overtake S to V, making up = comprising = accounting for = occupying …
EX: The percentage of classes with 26-30 students in NSW was likely to outstrip that of the remaining states, occupying 33% of the total.