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tin tôi đi, thề các bạn các câu tôi sai vẫn chỉ là từ vựng, khổ ghê ha

vậy mình ví dụ bajnn câu này, k để ý đánh NG, nhưng k phải, nó đã bẫy 1 từ

5 Female polar bears are able to survive for about six months without food.

The genome of the polar bear may also provide the solution for another condition, one that particularly affects our older generation: osteoporosis. This is a disease where bones show reduced density, usually caused by insufficient exercise, reduced calcium intake or food starvation. Bone tissue is constantly being remodelled, meaning that bone is added or removed, depending on nutrient availability and the stress that the bone is under. Female polar bears, however, undergo extreme conditions during every pregnancy. Once autumn comes around, these females will dig maternity dens in the snow and will remain there throughout the winter, both before and after the birth of their cubs. This process results in about six months of fasting, where the female bears have to keep themselves and their cubs alive, depleting their own calcium and calorie reserves. Despite this, their bones remain strong and dense.

vâng tôi đánh NG vì k thấy without food, nhưng mà tôi dựa vào chỗ food starvation r nghĩ, liệu dựa theo LINEAR THINKING, tức là từ đằng sau LẠ LẠ có thể mang nghĩ tương tự TỪ DỄ đằng trước k