thảo luận Mỗi ngày viết 30 phút

I’m a nobody, with no time to notice the brightness of the sun.
My parents couldn’t help me, and I wasn’t highly educated. I had no choice but to make it on my own in the city.
I’d applied to many jobs, but no one ever hired me. Maybe it’s because I’m not good at expressing myself, and I’m not the best communicator. I guess I just haven’t shown enough ability.
Once, I’d eaten two loaves of bread over a three-day period. Hunger kept me up at night. At least I paid a month’s rent in advance, so I didn’t have to face the cold winter wind outside.
Thank you so much for your post. It's usefully for learning English also improve vocabulary myself and make a lot of motivation for me also another person. Wish this post keep in the future
Day 3:
Yesterday, my family went to Aeon Mall Ha Dong.
Because it was the off day, there were many people in the mega mall.
There are so many mall stalls with many different industries such as food, fashion, games, electronic machinery and market.
My family enjoys using services for fast food, playing games and going to the market.
We buys milk, rice cakes, chicken and beef. I enjoy to buying beef at the market because it is very fresh.
Finally, we went to a children's toy store and bought a crane truck for my son. After that, we went to home.
--- Day 16
--- Rational

What do the following fields such as Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Economics, and Astronomy have in common? The answer is that they all include some valid consequences followed by other facts and preproposals, also known as logic.

How to make a valid subsequence followed by another sentence before? On the other hand, it is all about how to infer correctly. The encyclopedia Brittanica has listed logic as one of the seven main branches of knowledge. In the Logic study, we use the language of first-order logic or FOL (is pronounced as ef-oh-el, not fall).

There are a small number of exercises weekly. Required exercises will directly affect students' final grades in this course. Optional exercises are worthwhile to complete as logic is an art of practice. The more exercises you complete, the better logician you are. The two professionals strongly believe that students should get the job done regularly.

To complete a class session, there are two things you need to do. The first thing is the reading assignment. It could be a chapter from the "Language, Proof, and Logic" textbook. You need to read every detailed information thoroughly. The second thing is viewing videos. These videos are in the learning platform that I have mentioned above. The two tasks can be done in any order. However, make sure you finish these assignments before going to the next chapter to get things done perfectly.
Day 1
Today is May 30th, 2023. I am starting to learn English again. This time, I am very serious because having good English skills brings many opportunities. A better job and better pay, as well as the ability to work remotely, can give me flexible time and the freedom to work anywhere I want. I know it will take a long time to learn English, but I am smart and hardworking, right? Stay strong!
--- Day 17
--- Independent

People use clues to generalize:
People don’t have time to be with you all the time, so they use limited periods of time whenever they are with you to judge whether you are worthwhile or not. So you must show the best version of yourself as long as you are authentic, comfortable, and can handle situations you may encounter. There are some aspects you should consider when talking about this matter
  • Be yourself
  • Control the situations
  • Body languages
  • Meaningful discussion
  • Interpersonal skills

There are some universal languages you need to know to improve your relationships with others
  • Mindset: A lot of people hold a limited mindset system in their minds. They think “Oh I am not very confident about myself, my beliefs, my direction in the world”. But some people are different. They believe “I am a dominant person in this situation. I am a good negotiator. I own this place.”
  • Appearance: To make you a confident person, you just need to change small things. Keeping your head up and back, pulling your shoulders back, and arching your back are three powerful things you should apply to yourself immediately. You will see how confident you are.
  • Slow gestures than it should be: If you have ever seen films of James Bonds, a secret service agent in the U.K., you will notice that his gestures and actions might be a little bit slower than normal. It is not coincidental. It is the way that he tells the world that “I am so comfortable in my own skin” despite he was just in a dangerous situation facing his enemies with guns. So the key takeaways here are turning your head slowly, changing your facial expression slowly, and making gestures slowly. It will make you so cool.
  • Eye contact: You should look directly at them in the beginning and only glance a few times. By doing this, you want to communicate you are not afraid of them (but don’t look like a psycho :LOL:).) And then, look away when the conversation progresses. Keep eye contact to a suitable extent and only look at them longer when they say something interesting. It will communicate that you are not needy. Switching these states play an important role in your conversations. You want to show you are not a coward or a needy person.
  • The tone of voice: You should speak with a bass, deeper tone like Barry White. Sometimes, you use the pause. It will create tension and anticipation. It will make a conversation more valuable because both of you have time to think thoroughly. You will seem like you are nervous and you need to talk more when you talk all the time at a fast pace
--- Day 18
--- Mindful

Welcome back to my series "Writing every day". Writing helps you to organize your thoughts, reinforce your knowledge, and communicate yourself better. Today, I'd like to discuss three things, which are meditation, meals, and arrogance.

You might get stuck in a wild and noisy world. You might become distracted continuously. You might be interrupted by a number of kinds of distractions such as notifications from your mobile phone, gossip stories from your colleagues, and urgent tasks from your boss. Everything around you takes your attention and quickly drains off your energy. All you need is a mindful meditation session every morning after waking up. This ritual will help you to be more focused, motivated, inspired, resilient, and peaceful. To practice meditation, you just need a comfortable seat, where you are exposed to the first rays of sunlight with a little bit of cold air surrounding you. Then turn on your favorite meditation audio and close your eyes.

I usually visit, check out the latest episode, and follow along with hosts. Listening to audio with background music, relaxing your body, and focusing on your breath really help you improve your moods and get you to the land of mindfulness. Try it and you will spot the differences in your mind, your soul, and your body.

Nutrition plays an important role in the growth of humans. Make sure you have at least 3 meals every day. A quick breakfast, packed lunch, and a fine dinner are preferred by many people. It is a time-saving, convenient, and suitable way so I have applied it to myself for a long time. I usually have a bowl of beef noodles in the morning, rice with toasted chicken in the afternoon, and stews in the evening. My favorite desserts are cake, pie, fruit, and ice cream. I love avocadoes, bananas, peaches, and plums.

All right, let's dive into arrogance in this last section. Everybody usually is taught to be a good, educated, humble person. These personalities make people work together in a collaborative, respective, and efficient manner. By adding a small amount of arrogance, it is believed that you will even become a more attractive and successful person, both in your personal and professional life. There is some advice you should consider when acting like an arrogant individual.

The first one is being the best in your field and setting a high standard for everyone. You strive to be the best in everything you do and never take it easy on anyone. You have set a high standard for yourself and for others, so let everyone knows about it. It is good for you, not only in the working setting but also in your social life. The second thing is to demonstrate your abilities publicly. It means you will compete regularly to keep your skills sharp and your hunger for winning large. You should compete with your lower-level opponents regularly, and sometimes challenge with your upper-rank opponents. These competitions will sharpen your mind and gain your reputation in certain areas. It also pushes you to develop, all because you have to fight every day. The last thing I would like to mention in this writing is about dressing. You should put on clothes that make you look like the person you want to be. Buy expensive outfits and wear them. It will last longer compared to cheaper ones, and also create a last-long impression.

I hope you like this post. Like and comment. I will be right back.
I’m a nobody, with no time to notice the brightness of the sun.
My parents couldn’t help me, and I wasn’t highly educated. I had no choice but to make it on my own in the city.
I’d applied to many jobs, but no one ever hired me. Maybe it’s because I’m not good at expressing myself, and I’m not the best communicator. I guess I just haven’t shown enough ability.
Once, I’d eaten two loaves of bread over a three-day period. Hunger kept me up at night. At least I paid a month’s rent in advance, so I didn’t have to face the cold winter wind outside.
Is it the truth bro. Are you writing about yourself? I'm broken inside but my life is still better than this.
thanks for this thread, I will come by here more often.
Today is an off day. Nothing gone well but I realize that strong emotion does n't make my life easier. Just change the attitude and accept it 's happen as it is.
Day 1
This is the first time, I have written something by English on this platform. Thus, I don't have many ideas for my writing. So I ask the chat GPT that: " Can you suggest some topics to me for practicing writing?". Here, the topic, I received: "The Benefits and Drawbacks of Remote Work"
Currently, I'm a student so I don't have a chance to do the remote work. But in the second and third years of studying at university, I have to study at my home due to COVID-19. And this is the first time, I approached a new studying method. In my opinion, I prefer the remote studying. Because all lessons that I learned will be recorded. It's very helpful for me in watching again some complicated problems. I'm either easy to ask my lecturers through Zalo platform. They are enthusiastic to respond to my question at any time when I ask them. Besides, I can help my parent with some work when I study at home. And I don't need to spend money on commuting, renting a house, or eating. That are all of the things I like in studying online.

Actually having some drawbacks, but I think that can improve that. Such as some old lecturers who lack of much knowledge about technology and computer. They usually take a lot of time to do some things that don't have any meaning. They're difficult in conveying knowledge through an online platform. And they are familiar with traditional studying methods, so when teaching online, they feel alone and they are not excited about teaching. Therefore, having some lecturers who just gave materials and didn't teach any things.

When you study online, you have to discipline yourself. You easily lost concentration on studying work due to many tempts. Such as games online, comics, and social networks. If you can improve that, I think that the online method studying is the best for theoretical subjects.
I hope to get many advice for my writing, thanks so much in advance.
Last edited:
--- Day 19
--- Teasing

Hello everyone. Do you have any news for me? Today, I want to be involved in a controversial topic. It is all about Cocky and Comedy. If this is the first time you hear about this term, it is worth knowing it.

First of all, you need to know about arrogance. Arrogance is to set high standards, let people know about your standards, live up and follow to these standards, criticize and disapprove of someone when they do not meet your standards, and slightly exaggerate your abilities and achievements. You should create a halo, try your best to become a leader in your areas and brad about it.

Arrogance at a suitable level will help you more magnetic and attractive. Cocky is equivalent to arrogant, overconfident, and smug. Direct cocky makes you unwelcome and unwanted. Cocky is to brad and praise yourself about your abilities and accomplishments. It also helps silence your critics and be superior compared to other people. You totally let everyone know who you are, but you need to do it in a funny way. People who are experiencing tension from your funny stories can not know if you are serious or not. They are fun, that is enough. On a subconscious level, you are over them.

But, again, you need to do it in silence, secret, and mystery. You are doing cocky and comedy just because it is you. It is your nature, your beliefs, and your ways in the world. You do all of these actions, just because you want to do it. No more, no less. You don’t need to please anyone else but you. You do it because you feel it is good, funny, and fit to your ego.
Day 3. Yesterday I forgot to follow the rule

Yesterday, I got an invited mail to interview for position Industrial Engineer. I hope that I can catch this opportunity becaue this is also multinational cooperation factory. In addition, I've been jobless for too long, and the job market is likely to have fewer jobs than it had previously.
I don't dare think about what I will be doing if I miss this opportunity. I'm trying by my best.
Until I 've completed the interview, I will reduce the time I spend studying English to spend time focusing on prepare for the interview.

Anyway, I wish the best luck to anyone who reads my test.
I have been doing this job for more than 3 years :D IE job is very interesting at first
--- Day 20
--- Persistent

Welcome back to my series. Today, let's talk about non-conformists. To start talking about this powerful idea, I’d like to talk about a phenomenon. When we encounter a situation that we rarely encounter, we humans tend to look for an example from people around us and follow that way of response. We rarely apply our minds and find out our own ways. When we get annoyed by a piece of advice from other people about one thing we have already known how to solve, we usually end up doing the same way they talk to us. This is our nature to seek approval from others, to live peacefully with each other, and to act suitably with the standards of the groups we identify we belong to.

There is a powerful way to show your self-confidence, get respect from others, and become a leader in a certain area. You need to appear that you know a list of “normally expected ways” to solve a problem, but you have actively chosen another way to deal with it. You do that way because you know that way is better. You truly believe in yourself. It is huge evidence for others to decide you are a confident, thoughtful, and admirable man.

In the screening process of staff employment, there is a particularly interesting way to eliminate undesirable candidates. Given that you had a list of candidates you had interviewed before. Then you pick out the candidate you like the most, call him, and say “I wanted to call you and thank you for your interviewing. But I just don’t think you are the one for the position..” then you listen. If he says “Thank you and see you at another chance”, you just hang your phone off and call your next favorite candidate. If he says “Why do you think that? I am sure I am the best person for this position and blah blah…”, then he is just the one you need. Hire him.

The insight behind this idea is to choose the one who wants the job most. If your favorite candidate, who is very excellent and extraordinary, doesn’t really want this job, the second-rank person would be your best choice, and he might contribute values to your organization much more than the person you like the most. Despite you don’t intentionally want to play the game called “play hard to get”, just because you have many choices, you will have the right to choose one of the best people who really want to work with you.

The same can apply to many areas in your life. So don’t resignedly agree with the rejections the first time. It could be you are encountering a valuable thing, and rejections are just a way to eliminate undesirable candidates. Be persistent and you will get what you want.
I have been doing this job for more than 3 years :D IE job is very interesting at first
I can imagine what you said
. However, I've refused this job, because it is mainly about furniture. But, my knowledge and experiences only focus on the manufacturing environment. So, HR also told me that if I got this job, I must learn from scratch, and they will also pay the salary as fresher. In addition, this role at that company, even though the name is IE, it should be called QA which is more correct. So, I decided to refuse and look for new opportunity that was more suitable.
Day 3. Yesterday I forgot to follow the rule
Day 4
Recently, I fell myself is moving toward to bad. I do not use my time effectively. In others words, I can say that I was lost myselt at period I have had job.

I can now understand why so many unemployed people commit suicide. I dont know why, but when you are unemployed, there are also have a lot of suffering things come along. For example, you have many things must be paid, your parents face life problems. All of them cause you move to depressed step. Lastly, you cann't tackle them, you decided to choose easily way...disappear out of the world.

However, everythings will pass, and you will be stronger. Let try to pass this circumstance if your are into.
--- Day 19
--- Teasing

Hello everyone. Do you have any news for me? Today, I want to be involved in a controversial topic. It is all about Cocky and Comedy. If this is the first time you hear about this term, it is worth knowing it.

First of all, you need to know about arrogance. Arrogance is to set high standards, let people know about your standards, live up and follow to these standards, criticize and disapprove of someone when they do not meet your standards, and slightly exaggerate your abilities and achievements. You should create a halo, try your best to become a leader in your areas and brad about it.

Arrogance at a suitable level will help you more magnetic and attractive. Cocky is equivalent to arrogant, overconfident, and smug. Direct cocky makes you unwelcome and unwanted. Cocky is to brad and praise yourself about your abilities and accomplishments. It also helps silence your critics and be superior compared to other people. You totally let everyone know who you are, but you need to do it in a funny way. People who are experiencing tension from your funny stories can not know if you are serious or not. They are fun, that is enough. On a subconscious level, you are over them.

But, again, you need to do it in silence, secret, and mystery. You are doing cocky and comedy just because it is you. It is your nature, your beliefs, and your ways in the world. You do all of these actions, just because you want to do it. No more, no less. You don’t need to please anyone else but you. You do it because you feel it is good, funny, and fit to your ego.

I disagree so much with this.
I don't currently have my pc with me and have to type on my phone, so please pardon my mistake.

First, your definition of arrogance is just... wrong. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but let see this example:
You are the teamleader, you have all the knowledge, the certificates, the experience... One day, there is a newcomer to your team, you teach him the job, you set the standard, you show him your requirements. Of course, on the first few days, it is impossible for him to meet those standards that you set, and of course you have to show your disapproval, you tell him why, you show him your experience, your certificates... to back up what you just told him. Does this make you an arrogant team leader? Of course not.
I see this all the time in my field of work, when people with more experience show their disapproval with the full display of experience and reasons to back up their saying. This does not make them arrogance, this make them a pro.

Arrogance to me is the next level of overconfidence. Confidence is good but overconfidence, as they say, is a slow and insidious killer. Overconfidence is when one overestimate one's own ability thus usually leads to mistakes. Arrogant people are usually those that haven't been taught the lesson of humility. Sadly these people are everywhere, and some never learn that lesson no matter how many time they are taught.

Cockiness on the other hand is not all bad as arrogance. As you said a little bit cockiness and a little bit of humour might help you define yourself in people's eyes. But too much cockiness is just another facet of arrogance, and can make people loose all their respect in you. True leader leads by example, actions speak louders than words, you don't have to brag if everyone can see clearly your ability, you don't have to boast if you can simply prove it by action.

I want to write more, but I feel like an ass for writing such a long comment just to show my disagreement, and also I hate typing to much on my phone.

P/s: I tried my best not to sound harsh, but if I offend you, I sincerely sorry.
I disagree so much with this.
I don't currently have my pc with me and have to type on my phone, so please pardon my mistake.

First, your definition of arrogance is just... wrong. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but let see this example:
You are the teamleader, you have all the knowledge, the certificates, the experience... One day, there is a newcomer to your team, you teach him the job, you set the standard, you show him your requirements. Of course, on the first few days, it is impossible for him to meet those standards that you set, and of course you have to show your disapproval, you tell him why, you show him your experience, your certificates... to back up what you just told him. Does this make you an arrogant team leader? Of course not.
I see this all the time in my field of work, when people with more experience show their disapproval with the full display of experience and reasons to back up their saying. This does not make them arrogance, this make them a pro.

Arrogance to me is the next level of overconfidence. Confidence is good but overconfidence, as they say, is a slow and insidious killer. Overconfidence is when one overestimate one's own ability thus usually leads to mistakes. Arrogant people are usually those that haven't been taught the lesson of humility. Sadly these people are everywhere, and some never learn that lesson no matter how many time they are taught.

Cockiness on the other hand is not all bad as arrogance. As you said a little bit cockiness and a little bit of humour might help you define yourself in people's eyes. But too much cockiness is just another facet of arrogance, and can make people loose all their respect in you. True leader leads by example, actions speak louders than words, you don't have to brag if everyone can see clearly your ability, you don't have to boast if you can simply prove it by action.

I want to write more, but I feel like an ass for writing such a long comment just to show my disagreement, and also I hate typing to much on my phone.

P/s: I tried my best not to sound harsh, but if I offend you, I sincerely sorry.

Welcome back to my writing series, bro. You don’t have to say sorry about something you don’t agree. It is just an opinion.

I appreciate and acknowledge your points. You are going to be a good leader.
Day 2
Today, I received an email that I was rejected for a mechanical intern position. I'm very upset because this is the second time, I'm rejected. Maybe, my qualification is not enough for this position. Either my resume has a problem, so I think I have to rewrite my CV and learn again the knowledge that I was taught in-depth way. Practicing speaking English fluently and smoothly and can discuss or present technical problems in English. Currently, I'm trying to learn "GD and T" and "FEA method". It's very difficult to understand, due to having many complicated definitions. I know that I can not apply the knowledge that I'm studying if I can not apply to a suitable company. Exactly, I'm studying stuff in a narrow field. But I study for my passion and want to prove myself. And few days ago, I found a youtube channel that illuminates to me some things. Combining the development of AI, I'm confident to do that. As long as I'm determined day by day.