kiến thức Học nghe tiếng Anh qua phim

8. Fill in the blank

Alright, Khalil, you have a nice ______ stopwatch. You hit that stopwatch, and go go go!
  • Perfect.
  • All right, thanks.

RUFF: That's right, folks. The sun actually is a star.

  • Oh, there it is.
  • Oh, here they come.

I've got to talk to them.

Star. There it is.



Hey, how's it going? It's Ruff.

- Oh, hey, Ruff. What's up?

Ngoài "How are you?" thì có hai câu hỏi thăm sức khỏe nữa mà người bản xứ hay sử dụng là "How it's going?" và "What's up?". Cách trả lời câu hỏi này khá đặc biệt: bạn dùng chính một trong hai câu hỏi trên để trả lời.

So, what do you guys think of my star?

  • It's orange.
  • It's big.

Is this the biggest star you've ever seen?


I mean, we're talking 12 feet across, people.

That's, like, twice the size of my doghouse.

Now listen, you're about to go on The Amazing Space race

You're going to embark on a journey through a scale model of the solar system.

embark là một từ academic có nghĩa là "bắt đầu một chuyến đi"

Now listen, you need to hit all nine planets, and you got to hit them in the time that I give you,
otherwise--[ buzz]-- you don't get the ten points.

So you've got to work together. Teamwork!

Now, they're all around the city, and I've left you some clues to help you out.

Now, the first clue, you've got to find right now.

Yep, this must be it. Well, that was quick.

"You'll find this little messenger outside the front door."

We have three minutes to find it.

We better hurry up.

All right, Khalil, you've got a nice state-of-the-art stopwatch.

state-of-the-art có nghĩa là "hiện đại nhất", và đây là một cụm từ academic mà bạn có thể dùng cho cả văn nói và văn viết.
9. Where can the contestants find "Venus"?
You hit that stopwatch and go, go, go.

Come on, guys, let's go!

You'll find him outside your door.

Wait, how do we know if we're going to the right place, you guys? -
Front door.

  • Let's go.
  • RUFF: Run!

Oh, over there.

JULIA: All right, what's it say?

Stop the stopwatch.

RUFF: Good timing, guys.
Good timing.

"Welcome to Mercury.

"You are now 36 million miles
away from the sun.

"Here's your next clue.

"Earth's twin sister and goddess of love invoked the morning and evening stars.

"You'll find this planet right above the fourth floor.

"You'll also find the cars. You have five minutes."

Parking lot. It's got to be in the parking lot.

Wait, fourth floor of the parking lot.

- Go.
RUFF: Boy, these kids are fast.

It said right above four.

RUFF: That's right, above four.

Think, think, think.
Think, think, think.

Right above four.

RUFF: There we go.

  • It's hot in here.
  • There, I see it.

Oh, okay, guys.

Okay, stop the watch.

JULIA: It's a lot bigger
than Mercury.

KHALIL: A minute, 27 seconds.

RUFF: Well, plenty of time there.

This is Venus.

Vậy đáp án đầy đủ của câu hỏi này là right above the fourth floor of the parking lot. Mình cũng sẽ chấp nhận đáp án "the fourth floor of the parking lot" vì technically Venus vẫn ở tầng bốn của bãi đỗ xe, chỉ là nó ở cầu thang lên tầng 5 thôi.

10. What is the "kingly destination"?
ANNA: "Okay, we're now 67 million miles from the sun.

"Here is your next clue.

"Nearby is your next location, and if you want the proof, the kingly destination can be seen from this roof."

You have ten minutes...

  • Okay, let's go to the roof.
  • starting now.

RUFF: I'll be very impressed if they get this one in ten minutes.

I don't see anything from the roof.

Maybe the seagulls can help us.

ANNA: Look for signs that...

Should we go to the edge of the roof and then look down?

Kingly destination.

JULIA: Royal, oh, Royal.

Kingly là một từ đồng nghĩa của từ royal.

We're getting timed-- let's go!

We're getting timed có nghĩa là "chúng ta sắp hết giờ rồi".

Kingly destination.

I think we have to go to the hotel.

We have ten minutes, so it's probably pretty far.

Let's go.

Vậy the kingly destination chính là the hotel. Các bạn có thể cho đáp án chi tiết hơn, nhưng do phần nghe chỉ nói "the hotel" nên chỉ cần bạn trả lời thế này là đủ.

11. Fill in the blanks:
  • Can we ask someone?
  • You guys don't happen, _______, seen a clue from Ruff Ruffman ________?
JULIA: Which way is it?

We were on that roof, so it's that way.

Speed-walk, like they are.

Can we ask someone?

You guys don't happen, by chance, seen a clue from Ruff Ruffman lying around?

Vậy hai cụm từ ở đây là "by chance" và "lying around".

Cụm từ thứ nhất là cụm từ mình nghĩ khá quen thuộc với nhiều bạn, có nghĩa là "tình cờ"

Cụm từ thứ hai "lying around" khó nghe hơn, có nghĩa đen "nằm đâu đó quanh đây". Trong một số ngữ cảnh, các bạn có thể sử dụng cụm từ này thay cho "somewhere" / "anywhere".

Có thể một số bạn thắc mắc là tại sao câu

You guys don't happen seen a clue from Ruff Ruffman lying around?

lại đúng ngữ pháp. Câu đầy đủ đáng nhẽ ra là

You guys don't happen [to have] seen a clue from Ruff Ruffman lying around?

tuy nhiên nhờ hiện tượng ellipsis, to have có thể được lược bỏ trong câu này trong văn nói.

12. Which phrase did Ruff Ruffman use to tell the contestants that they're getting closer to "Mars"?

No, I haven't.

RUFF: Oh, he's talking about me!

I think it might be inside.

Let's see if it's at the front desk.

Has Ruff Ruffman told you anything about his TV show?

RUFF: Twice I'm mentioned!

You'll see it right there.

Ooh, can I give him points for that?

Well, this is my show.

ANNA: Oh, I see it, you guys, right here! - Nice.

Stop the watch, quick.

Oh! Nine minutes, 12 seconds.

  • Thanks, Ruff.
  • "Welcome to Earth.

"You are now 93 million miles from the sun.

Here's your next clue."

"You have 12 minutes...

KHALIL: Hold on, hold on.
ANNA: Wait, wait!

Let's look at this.


Oh, that's such a great idea.

  • H-I-J...
  • Okay, I'll start on 13.

  • "M"...
  • That's "M."

You guys are good.

I would have never thought of that.

Get the pencil.


"Mall"-- this is "mall."

"Mars is in the mall."

  • Mars is in the mall.
  • Let's go.

ANNA: We should probably start
the clock again.

Oh, yeah. Restart.

You know how to get to the [inaudible] Mall?

Yes, it's just across the street.

I got to press the button!

  • Thanks!
  • Thank you.

RUFF: Thank you for not hitting my kids.

ANNA: I think this is it.

Hey, do you know where Mars is?

  • Mars?
  • Yeah.

I really don't know. Why?

You talking about the museum?

Yeah, the Science Museum Mars.

RUFF: Okay, so experts on Mars these guys are not.

Have any of you seen a Mars exhibit?

I, at this point, don't know who to ask.

I guess we should just ask someone else.

I've got to talk to them, so hang on.

You're getting warmer, you're getting warmer.

JULIA: Oh, come on, guys, I see it!

Từ ngữ cảnh, ta có thể biết được cụm từ "You're getting warmer" có nghĩa "You're getting closer".

Cụm từ này có nguồn gốc từ chiến tranh, khi các binh lính rà phá bom mìn mà nếu thấy thiết bị dò cho thấy "You're getting warmer" thì nghĩa là mình đã đến gần quả bom cần phá.

Ta thường sử dụng câu này trong các câu đố về số hay về địa điểm (chưa biết). Ví dụ như trong trò Guess my age, mình 20 tuổi, một người đoán 18, rồi đoán lại 19, mình có thể nói "You're getting warmer". Chúng ta không thường dùng câu này khi ta đến gần một thứ đã biết rồi, ví dụ như nếu mình gần về đến nhà, ta không thể nói "I'm getting warmer to home", hay nếu người hướng dẫn viên du lịch mà nói "We're getting warmer to the destination" thì bạn cần rất lo lắng vì điều này nghĩa là người hướng dẫn viên đó không biết chắc chắn chúng ta cần đi đến đâu.
Bài 11

Chúng ta tiếp tục với show Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman. Để đảm bảo thỏa mãn tiêu chí fair-use, mình chỉ được phép sử dụng một trích đoạn nhỏ. Mình khuyến khích các bạn xem hết cả tập nếu các bạn thấy hứng thú và tìm được show này trên YouTube.

  1. List the contestants' favorite foods:
  2. Which contestants are chosen for the cooking challenge?
  3. What did Anna think hip-hop was?
  4. What are the three main components of hip-hop?
  5. What were two styles of graffiti mentioned by Wyatt?
  6. What do hip-hop and jazz have in common?
  7. Where was the kitchen?
  8. Explain the meaning of the following words: "herbivore," "carnivore," and "omnivore."
  9. List the ingredients in each recipe.
    Recipe #1:
    Recipe #2:
    Recipe #3:
    Recipe #4:
    Recipe #5:
  10. Fill in the blanks: Many animals come ______ faraway places where we can't reproduce exactly what they get ______ their natural habitat, but we ________ have ________ diets.
  11. What is a difference between the eyes of carnivores and the eyes of herbivores?
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chocolate icecream
apple and muster
get team
pop có âm six cle
2. Anna
3 calorigrap and it like music
4 craffiti, dancing
5.jazz and hiphop
6. jazz come from improvisation (I dont know this word, But after anticipating from its pronunciation + google to find)
hiphop came from improvisation
7. pretty big crown(adress)
Haha, these words are familiar with me because prolonged exposure to reading passage in ielts
herbivore => animal eat grass
carnivor => predator eat prey
omnivore => eat everything from grass, meat... (I mean ăn tạp in Vietnamese)
9. climate pe, fruit freshiz, egg, sun flower, meal worm
a bunch of fruit and (relate vegetable) vengy
9 pound of produce and 6 pound of peanut
6 crickets
3 nices
10. "herbivore," "carnivore," and "omnivore."
really pay attention
to the eye, claw and teeth
to be honest, It is quite tough to comprehend, especially question 6, I have never met this word but I predicted it depend on "its pronunciation" ???? and question 10, I dont listen any words of your question in the last but I guess
10. I listened many times but I Coun't grab the situation of this question. But If I have a pick, depending on context, I guess
Many animals come from faraway places where we can't reproduce exactly what they get _ their natural habitat, but we have variety or diversity diets.
carnivore eye of face forward => huting prey
eye on the sight => look ....or becoming get now
Ahh, I was deceived because of thinking it is after question 9 after talking about 3 rats
10. come from
get in
nutritionly equivalent

your question are inorder, U know, I am get accustomed with the format of Listening ielts, they read orderly from 1 2 3... that's the reason I listend many time after recipe 5 but I couldnt catch your question 10
Ahh, I was deceived because of thinking it is after question 9 after talking about 3 rats
10. come from
get in
nutritionly equivalent

your question are inorder, U know, I am get accustomed with the format of Listening ielts, they read orderly from 1 2 3... that's the reason I listend many time after recipe 5 but I couldnt catch your question 10
Well, we're working on general listening skills. Some questions will never make the IELTS Listening test (say, the herbivore, carnivore, omnivore question).

To actually improve, you need to try to answer using what you hear from the video, and not what you already know before watching.
Well, we're working on general listening skills. Some questions will never make the IELTS Listening test (say, the herbivore, carnivore, omnivore question).

To actually improve, you need to try to answer using what you hear from the video, and not what you already know before watching.
can U give me some reason ? In my opinion, we need to anticipate what the answer maybe before watching depend of cognitive and logical thinking, inferring .... to name as a few, say, question 1, I know this is a type of food, but after listening many times, I still didnt understand what there are ?
  1. List the contestants' favourite foods:
    Brian: A sucker for chocolate chips ice cream
    Anna: mustard and apples, but not together
    Khalil: pizza gets him going
    Julia: She has a thing for popsicles
    Noah: give him a steak and he's happy
    Taylor: all over cotton candy
  2. Noah, Khalil, Julia
  3. a kind of rap and like music
  4. Graffiti, dancing and music
  5. wildstyle and free-d style
  6. They both come from improvisation.
  7. the zoo
  8. "herbivore": an animal that eats only plants; "carnivore": eats only meat; "omnivore": eat both plants and meat.
  9. List the ingredients in each recipe.
    Recipe #1: pelleted, fruits and veggies, eggs, sunflower seed and mealworm
    Recipe #2: a bunch of fruits and veggies
    Recipe #3: 9 pounds of produce and 6 pounds of pelleted
    Recipe #4: 6 crickets
    Recipe #5: 3 mice
  10. Fill in the blanks: Many animals come from faraway places where we can't reproduce exactly what they get in their natural habitat, but we do have new justly equivalent diets.
  11. carnivores have eyes facing forward, this will help them when hunting the prey; and the eyes of herbivores are on sides, so they can be aware of predators.
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can U give me some reason ? In my opinion, we need to anticipate what the answer maybe before watching depend of cognitive and logical thinking, inferring .... to name as a few, say, question 1, I know this is a type of food, but after listening many times, I still didnt understand what there are ?
Yes, there should be some anticipation, but it doesn't mean you can know the answer without listening.

Your answer for question 8 is not given in the video, so I suggest you to do that again.
Yes, there should be some anticipation, but it doesn't mean you can know the answer without listening.

Your answer for question 8 is not given in the video, so I suggest you to do that again.
my answer for ques8, yah, as I guess, it is correct but itn't exact word by word as I predicted
Explain the meaning of the following words: "herbivore," "carnivore," and "omnivore."
what are the animal eat plant => herbivore
the animal eat meat => carnivore
and both => omivore
@dutchcourage Bác có thể gợi ý cho em những đầu sách để em cày được tới 7.0+ được không ạ? Trình độ của em khoảng hơn B2 một chút.
Hồi trước mình cày như trên và làm qua đủ loại giáo trình thì cũng chỉ được 7.0 Listening
Còn để được 8.5 thì mình học lớp Tạp I và lớp Ngọng của thầy Hồ Lê Vũ. Đây là hai lớp sẽ khai giảng vào năm 2024

Còn về các kĩ năng khác thì bạn có thể tham khảo danh sách các giáo trình mình sử dụng tại: thắc mắc - Các trung tâm IELTS hiện nay sử dụng giáo trình gì để giảng dạy? (
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